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                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wineglass Bay Lookout – Located in the Freycinet National Park, the Wineglass Bay Lookout provides a breath-taking view of the Wineglass Bay and the surrounding wilderness. 酒杯湾瞭望台:位于菲欣纳国家公园, 在此可将酒杯湾和周围的壮丽景色尽收眼 底。 The Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary 波诺朗野生动物保护区 A rescue centre that goes to the aid of the Tasmanian wildlife, the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary is the best destination to learn about the wombats, kangaroos, koalas, and the notorious Tasmanian devils, through a guided tour. The wombats had a sweet demeanour but the Tasmanian devils were the complete opposite. Our guide even warned us not to bend over the devils’ enclosure as these feisty marsupials could jump quite high and hurt us. We were given a bag of food for the kangaroos as we entered their enclosure, and the kangaroos needed no further prompting as they quickly approached us. These huge Bay of Fires – Known for its striking orange lichen-cloaked boulders, the Bay of Fires got its name in 1773 when Captain Tobias Furneaux sailed past in his ship, Adventure, and spotted the fires of the Aboriginal people on the beaches. 火焰湾:因显眼的橙色地衣覆盖巨石而闻名。1773年, 英国航海家托拜厄斯·弗诺驾着探险号航经此处, 发现土著在海滩燃起的篝火,远看如熊熊 火焰而得名。           kangaroos did not harm us at all, and we could even touch them! The Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary was our last destination as we headed back to Hobart. We travelled back to Melbourne the next day and boarded our flight back to Malaysia. The strong juxtaposition of metropolitan Melbourne and the wilderness of Tasmania left a deep impression on me and I am grateful for the experience. 波诺朗野生动物保护区是塔斯马尼亚野 生动物救援中心,也是了解袋熊、袋 鼠、树熊和知名的有“塔斯马尼亚恶 魔”之称的袋獾的最佳地点。 袋熊憨态可掬,袋獾则完全相反, 导游甚至警告我们不要弯腰靠近袋獾的 围栏,因为这些好斗的有袋动物会跳得 很高,可能会弄伤我们。当我们进入袋 鼠围场时,都获得一袋饲料,这些大袋 鼠无须任何提醒就跑过来找我们,表现 得很温顺,我们还摸了摸它们呢! 波诺朗野生动物保护区是我们旅程 的最后一站,之后返回霍巴特,隔天回 到墨尔本,飞回马来西亚。墨尔本的繁 华市景和塔斯马尼亚的原始风光,都让 我印象颇深,感恩此行。         The Tasmanian Devil – A raucous devil checking out a keeper’s shoe. 袋獾:一只爱闹的捣蛋鬼在磨蹭管理 员的靴子。 Kangaroo Mob - There were plenty of kangaroos in the Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. 袋鼠帮:波诺朗野生动物保护区有许多 袋鼠。  141 popularnews - 39 

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