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      Ben Shiu, Assistant Graphic Designer 萧骏斌,助理平面设计师 In the past two years, this was my workstation in the basement. My son was next to me when he was doing online learning, so it was quite a different experience. I could spend more time with the kids while working from home. 过去两年,我就是在这个地下室居家工 作的。我的儿子就坐在我身边上网课。 这是一种截然不同的办公体验,居家办 公让我有更多时间陪伴孩子。 Chi Chiu Lam, French Editor 林智超,法文编辑 Working from home was a new experience for me. It required a good schedule to stay motivated and work efficiently. Here is my work-from-home routine: 对我而言,居家办公是一种全新的体验,但需要一份妥当 的时间表才能让我保持动力和高效。我的居家办公生活作 息如下:   7:30 7:40 – 7:55 8:00 – 8:30 8:40 8:55 9:00 – 17:00 Wake up 起床 A quick shower and breakfast 快速洗澡、早餐 Morning meditation to refresh my mind 晨间冥想,提神醒脑 Getting prepared for work, setting up my desktop, and checking my email 准备工作、开启电脑、收发电邮 Saying “Good Morning” to my team on WhatsApp 通过 WhatsApp向同事们道早安   Despite the lack of in-person interactions with my co-workers, we still managed to handle multiple projects and motion graphics, ensuring that we met the deadlines for our high-quality products. Cindy Chan, Sales & Marketing Coordinator 即便不能与同事面对面沟通,我们还是处理好多个项 目和动画设计,确保能在期限内完成优质产品。 Work 工作时段  陈思颖,市场营销协调员 It was definitely a big challenge for my family at the beginning of the pandemic as we have two preschool children at home who constantly needed our attention. My day was divided between working, cooking, entertaining and helping my kids with their online classes each day. But as time went on, we slowly transitioned into a new normal and were glad for the flexibility of working from home. 因为家中有两个学龄前的孩子需要照 顾,所以在疫情初期的居家办公对我 的家庭而言是巨大的挑战。办公、做 饭、休闲、协助孩子上网课,是我一 天的流程。随着时间的推移,我们逐 渐进入新常态,并为灵活的居家办公 体验感到开心。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                140 popularnews - 15 

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