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 and blessings in Buddhism. The water festival thus cleanses away the bad luck and misfortunes of the preceding year, as firecrackers are lighted to welcome the new year. Important ceremonies during Songkran include visiting Buddhist temples and water-pouring ceremonies, which take the two forms of pouring water on Buddha statues or on monks. For the Buddha statues, fresh flowers, candles, and incense are prepared. After lighting the incense, the fresh flowers, perfume and water are mixed, and poured on the statue. In the case of monks, a metal basin is filled with clean water, which is then poured onto the monk’s hands or body. A Buddhist robe is then presented to the monk to pray for blessings. Additionally, the sand that the Thais normally take home from the temple will be returned to build sand pagodas, as a form of giving back and to pray for blessings. Many also release animals like birds and fish to accumulate good karma for their families and themselves. During Songkran, one is sure to find the Spare Ribs Stewed with Jackfruit at any gathering. The Thai term for jackfruit is similar in pronunciation to the word for “help” or “support”, thus implying a boost in one’s career! The Sky Lanterns of Taiwan In Taiwan, LNY is known as the Spring Festival. Celebrations in Taiwan are largely similar to those in Hong Kong. On New Year’s Eve, Taiwanese families have a dinner of hotpot, which represents reunion. The elders in the family will hand out red packets, symbolising having money to spend in the new year. Subsequently, the family gathers and chats until midnight. The act of staying up represents blessings and longevity for the parents. Like in Hong Kong, pious men and women race to the first stick of incense at temples as soon as temple gates open, praying for blessings for the coming year. On the first day of the new year, the Taiwanese commonly celebrate by heading outside. Firecrackers are set off, adding to the lively atmosphere in a custom that represents driving away the nian beast to ensure peace and happiness in the new year. Married women will visit their parents with their families on the second day, signifying that all is well in her family. On the 15th day (the Lantern Festival), apart from various religious ceremonies, sky lanterns are released all over Taiwan, bringing everyone’s hopes and wishes to the heavens as they pray for blessings. Traditional Taiwanese New Year dishes are no different from those of Hong Kong, including fish, rice cakes and garlic chives that carry good connotations such as longevity and surplus. Even though it was hard to experience the lively atmosphere this year, Hong Kong nevertheless had a happy and peaceful New Year. Popular Hong Kong wishes everyone good health and all the best in the coming year. (Translated by Daryl Li ) 冠病疫情令旅游业停摆,大家一 年余来都未能感受旅游的乐 趣。转眼又是农历新年,让我们来一趟 “远程旅行”,了解亚洲旅游热点的过 年习俗。 韩国:庄重拜年 在韩国,农历新年是与中秋节并列的 重要节日,亦是全国连休三天的公共 假期。 年初一一早,韩国每家每户都会准 备一桌祭品祭祀祖先,之后晚辈会逐一 向长辈拜年。韩国人的拜年形式庄重, 除了身着传统韩服,亦会磕头及行大 礼。与香港一样的是,长辈会给小辈送 上新年祝贺与派“岁拜钱”。不过,韩 国人使用的是白色封套,和我们红彤彤 的红包封差别甚大,因为白色在韩国习 俗中象征吉祥。此外,长辈会根据孩 子的年龄决定岁拜钱的金额,例如大学 生收到的岁拜钱可能比小学生的多出好 几倍! 新年期间,韩国人一般会全家齐聚 一堂,除了吃大餐与拜年,大伙儿亦会 玩一些传统游戏如掷柶戏、放风筝、投 壶、踢毽等。这些游戏有除旧接福的寓 意,加上玩法简单,非常适合一家大小 参与。  40 - popularnews 133 

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