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 chicken. This rule has never been enforced, but all the past winners have gamely adhered to it, as did the winner of 2020’s Lucky Draw – yours truly! I was not expecting myself to win when I was drawing the winning ball. But I was thankful that I had won. As part of the organising team, I had to ensure the smooth flow of the evening’s proceedings, including recording the names of the Lucky Draw winners. Being picked as the winner of the top prize felt surreal to me. I was so overcome with excitement that I even forgot the name of my colleagues! My recording duties were not helped by my trembling hands, and I had to remind myself to stay calm to ensure the remaining activities ran smoothly. Unfortunately, we had to scrap the games at the annual dinner due to the pandemic. Still, I am grateful for the opportunity to interact with my colleagues from the different departments. I cherish the chance for everyone to gather under one roof for a good meal, and the opportunity to work in POPULAR. Though words cannot express my appreciation, I want to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to everyone! (Translated by Shawn Pang) 台湾大众的2020年尾牙宴(年终 宴)于艋舺龙山寺附近一家著 名“无菜单料理店”,即热海海鲜餐厅 举行。有别于往年,大家均戴着口罩赴 宴,做足防疫准备。 在等待晚宴开始前,我喜欢在一旁 细细观察与聆听。同事们闲聊的样子, 是我平素在工作时见不到的活泼一面。 大伙放松地聊天、说笑、分享生活点 滴,让我更认识了大家的另一面。 晚宴的每道佳肴都很新鲜,色香味 俱全,其中的蒜头蛤仔汤,用了蒜头熬 煮,不仅美味,还能增强免疫力!用餐 时,大伙儿也不忘使用公筷母匙,并在 用餐时减少交谈,为得来不易的防疫成 效继续尽一分力。 幸运之神降临 尾牙宴有一个不成文的规定:幸运抽奖 头奖者要请全公司同仁吃炸鸡排。虽然 不成文,但大家都乐于配合,还抢着当 头奖得主!而今年的头奖得主,竟然是 我!我当时用左手抽球,没想到幸运之 神降临,真是非常感谢。 当晚,我亦需要协助确保晚宴流程 顺畅,帮忙分发红包、拍照、控时,以 及写上得奖者的名字。不过,当我得了 头奖后,深感一切发生得太突然、太不 真实,一时难以沉淀兴奋情绪,手抖不 止,连原子笔也拿不稳,甚至还忘了同 仁的名字,以至我必须不断提醒自己保 持冷静,确保活动顺利完成。 为了防疫,晚宴取消了游戏节目, 仅穿插摸彩环节。尽管如此,我们戴着 口罩,与不同部门的同仁聊天交流的时 间却多了。对我而言,大家都是我的老 同事、好伙伴。我珍惜每一次聚餐时 刻,更珍惜公司给予我的工作机会。虽 然无法道尽心中满满的感动与感谢,但 我还是要说一声:“谢谢”!   38 - popularnews 133 

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