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  of Popular Greater China and Canada, thanked the awardees for their devotion to POPULAR. He also explained why the annual dinner had been cancelled and why the LSA presentation ceremony had been scaled down, and pointed out that the dedication of the Popular Hong Kong staff was the only thing that had not diminished. Together with the various heads-of-department, Mr Poon presented the LSA certificates and the commemorative gold coins and medals to the awardees, who were also showered with gifts and well wishes from their colleagues. Indeed, despite the smaller scale, the presentation ceremony was still filled with warmth. As only a small number of the staff were allowed to attend the award ceremony, Popular Hong Kong’s Human Resources and Administration Department uploaded the photos of the ceremony to share with everyone later on. A Door Gift from the Heart Although the annual dinner could not be held, all staff of Popular Hong Kong were still given a door gift that highlighted POPULAR’s concern for our staff’s well-being. Every staff received a mask storage box with POPULAR’s logo and an antibacterial hand sanitiser to fight the pandemic together! Popular Hong Kong welcomed the Chinese New Year a week after our LSA presentation ceremony. The reception area of Popular Hong Kong was decked in various red decorations and seasonal flowers to welcome the brand new year! We hope that the pandemic will be overcome soon and everyone’s life will return to normal. Together, we can propel POPULAR to greater heights and achieve new milestones! (Translated by Shawn Pang) 2021年的序幕,有别于往年。以往香 港大众每年的开年活动——“员工周 年晚宴”,让大伙齐聚一堂,共同分 享和回顾过去一年的耕耘成果与珍贵时 刻,并携手迈入新的一年。不过,冠病 疫情下的生活已改变,口罩与消毒液成 了每天不可缺少的日用品;测量体温、 灵活上班、视像会议、居家办工等新常 态,大家也已习以为常。而香港大众 在考虑同仁的健康安全,同时遵守社交 距离与限聚令等措施的情况下,取消了 2021年的周年晚宴。 小型典礼温暖人心 尽管如此,香港大众亦不忘表扬长期服 务的同仁,特别在2021年2月5日下午于 荃湾工业中心13楼,举行了一个简单而 隆重的长期服务奖颁奖礼,感谢获奖者 多年来坚守岗位、克尽己职。为避免群 聚,颁奖礼按同仁所属业务及部门分成 三个组别,并分三个时段进行。 2020年香港大众共有61名同仁获颁 长期服务奖,其中两人是服务了25年的 美术部同事;而获20年与15年长期服务 奖的则分别有四人和七人;10年与5年 的有21人与27人;共46名得奖者出席了 颁奖礼。 每个时段的开首,大众集团大中华 区及加拿大行政总裁潘志伟先生均会致 辞,感谢获奖同仁为公司用心不懈地努 力。潘先生也指出,因疫情未能举办周 年晚宴,而长期服务奖颁奖典礼改为于 公司内部小型举办,感谢各位同仁在疫 情期间为公司默默付出。随后,潘先生 带领部门主管,颁发长期服务奖状与 纪念金牌或金币给得奖同仁。除了这些 奖品之外,不少获奖同仁所属的部门同 事亦送上特别礼物表示祝贺。整个颁奖 礼安全到位,井然有序,亦不失温暖情 谊。 由于只有少数同仁可出席颁奖礼, 人力资源及行政部在仪式过后把当天的 照片上载至公司共享档案,与其他未能 出席的同仁分享当天点滴。 同仁皆获贴心小礼 虽然周年晚宴无法举行,但香港大众也 为每名同仁准备了一份实用又贴心的小 礼物——印有大众标志的口罩收纳盒及 抗菌搓手液,希望与大伙儿共同抗疫! 长期服务颁奖礼结束的一周后便是 农历新年,香港大众接待处摆放了红彤 彤的新春装饰及年花,期冀为牛年添好 运!希望疫情尽快消退,大家的生活回 归正常,更祝愿2021年大众业务更上一 层楼,再创新的里程碑!   12 - popularnews 133 

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