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 corner of Popular Malaysia, even staff in our warehouse did not miss out on the festive snack bags and drinks. Of course, keeping all our staff involved in all our celebration was not just about having a good time during CNY. It was also about creating a workplace that gives our staff a sense of belonging and a work environment that is conducive to developing strong bonds among all staff. In keeping with the tradition of Popular Malaysia’s CNY celebrations, a “Costume Day” was held on 24-25 February 2021. Besides the customary angpows from the company for the well wishes of another fruitful year, staff who turned up to work dressed in traditional Chinese costumes or sporting a theme of red were given an even bigger angpow! A female staff caused quite a commotion when she came to the office dressed in a hanfu, the historical-style Chinese clothing. We found out later that the hanfu was incredibly expensive, but she looked beautiful in it! Festive celebrations like Popular Malaysia’s CNY celebration have taken on a greater significance in trying times like the current COVID-19 pandemic. Not only do they bring our staff closer together, they also remind us that our well-being has always been a top priority in POPULAR. Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone! 2021年2月12日,我们一如既往地迎 来了金牛年。在冠病疫情下,马来 西亚大众(“马大众”)欢庆这个重要 的农历节日时,也注意防疫,确保同仁 的安全。 喜迎新春饱口福 2021年马大众的新春庆祝会主题是“哞 哞牛”。我们将去年夺得圣诞装饰大赛 的主要展示品——“圣诞书”进行创意 改造,增添几许新春风采。披上盛开的 桃花外衣后,新的“书树”即成为众人 踏进马大众的大厅时的焦点。 各部门热心的同仁们主动将办公室 布置一番;更有许多同事装饰自己的办 公桌,将年味带到办公空间。喜庆的红 色,连同缤纷多彩的新春装饰品,环绕 着整个办公室! 迎春活动怎能少得了美味的应节食 品呢?我们为同仁们准备了丰盛的食 物,这些寓意吉祥的各类食品包括:柑 橘、饼干、巧克力、饮料等。除了可口 的食物外,我们还准备了惊喜大放送, 让同仁们有机会赢得许多神秘奖品! 团结一致同事情 再也没有什么能比佳节更容易拉近人与 人之间的距离了!为了将佳节氛围散播 到马大众的各个角落,我们也没忘了给 货仓部的同仁们准备佳节零食包及饮 料。当然,庆祝会不只是让同仁们欢度 新春的时机,大家的参与也能增进对公 司的归属感,打造一个有利于培养深厚 同事情谊的工作环境。 为了延续马大众喜迎新春的传统, 我们在2021年2月24至25日举办了“服 装日”,除了如往常般分发红包给众同 仁,祝福来年继续丰收以外,公司还 预备更大的红包给穿着中华传统服饰或 红衣的同仁!其中,当一名女同事身穿 一袭传统汉服现身公司时,还引起不小 的骚动。后来我们才得知她身穿的汉服 价格不菲,但穿在她身上却十分令人惊 艳! 疫情下能平安过节显得别具意义, 马大众此次温馨的新春庆祝会除了增进 同仁们的感情,还时刻提醒我们:大众 同仁的健康与福利一直是重中之重。 恭贺新禧,万事胜意! (翻译:尤美珍)  10 - popularnews 133 

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