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 8 February 2021. Though the usual lively singing and dancing performances were missing from this online edition, the active participation on the excited staff in the first ever virtual annual gathering still retained the familiar warmth with a refreshing twist. Mr Ponch Poon, CEO of Popular Greater China and Canada, along with various staff of the management team in Hong Kong, gave their speeches to welcome the new year. Ray Chan, Popular e-Learning (HK) Ltd’s Technical Manager, was also online to present the Long Service Awards to three staff virtually. It was a refreshingly novel approach that left many of our staff with nothing but praise. A New Norm The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major changes in the lives of many, but has also resulted in the emergence of new ways of doing things, like the increasing use of online learning. As Popular Hong Kong’s pillar of support, Popular Guangzhou keeps with the changing times by not only holding the fort in the traditional publishing business, but also seizing opportunities to open up new markets through active participation in the development of more e-learning materials and online education platforms. As the popular saying goes: Winter will not last forever; Spring will arrive eventually. Popular Guangzhou will continue to forge ahead in 2021 with positivity! (Translated by Shawn Pang) Mr Ponch Poon, CEO of Greater China and Canada, gave a speech to welcome the new year 大众集团大中华区及加拿大行政总裁潘志伟先生发 表新年贺词 2020年,一场突如其来的冠病疫情席 卷全球;所幸经过一年的努力,疫 情获得有效控制,人们也已逐渐回到正 常的生活轨道。 8 - popularnews 133 The first virtual reunion was set against a simple and bright backdrop 首次云年会的直播间,布置简洁明亮 在牛年春节到来之际,大众集团广 州分公司决定举办一场有别于以往的年 会,告别不一样的2020年,迎接令人充 满期待的2021年。 旧传统 新思路 春节前年会,是大众集团广州分公司一 年一度的盛事,集团领导会亲临现场, 每名同仁更是倾情参与。然而,尽管疫 情趋稳,但考虑到风险仍在,以及响应 政府“少出行,少聚集”的倡议,广州 分公司负责人率先转变思路,提议举办 一场史无前例的“云年会”—— 通过线 上直播方式举行年会。这个创新思维不 仅让年会这个传统活动得以保留,持续 维持大伙儿的凝聚力,更打破了地域界 限,让远在香港和海外的同仁亦能趁佳 节团聚,共享欢乐。 远距离 心相近 2021年2月8日上午11时,大众集团广州 分公司2020年度“云年会”准时开始。 每名同仁兴奋地守在电脑屏幕前,积极 参与发表弹幕互动。虽然云年会少了往 年劲歌热舞的喧闹现场感,却多了几分 温暖的新鲜感。 大众集团大中华区及加拿大行政总 裁潘志伟先生,以及多位香港领导通过 网络连线,发表新年致辞。大众电子教 学项目经理陈伟强也在线上,颁发“长 期服务奖”给三位同仁。这些新颖的环 节令人耳目一新,大家都不禁对这次的 云年会点赞。 新常态 新景象 疫情改变了人们的生活方式,也促使新 事物的出现,例如线上学习已变得越来 越普遍。作为香港大众的强大支援,广 州分公司与时并进,在继续做好传统出 版业务的同时,也主动迎接市场的变 化,并将积极参与更多电子学习课件及 线上教育平台的开发,在困难时期抓紧 发展机遇,开拓新景象! 俗话说:没有一个冬天不会过去, 没有一个春天不会到来;相信在2021 年,大众集团广州分公司将继续以坚定 的步伐,奋勇前进!   

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