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  a feeling of being somewhere in Europe. Girl series of comic books, Monster Studio 新书诞生后,读者除了想阅读新鲜 有趣的内容,还会渴望与作者交 流。新冠疫情后,实体的新书宣传活动 都暂停了,因此,一丁文化、海滨图书 公司与世界出版社尝试以崭新线上作者 分享会跟读者互动,不但能接触更广大 的读者群,还能打破地域界限,邀请到 内地及海外的作者在荧幕上粉墨登场! 北京洋洋兔动漫:小朋友世界之窗 “咦?这本书的作者叫‘洋洋兔’?难 道是一只兔子?”不少小读者喜欢由洋 洋兔创作的儿童手绘百科,而且对作者 感到好奇。有鉴于此,世界出版社邀来 北京著名动漫原创团队洋洋兔的编辑白 老师,和中华基督教会协和小学(长沙 湾)的同学,举办特别的线上活动“为 小朋友打开一扇了解世界的窗口:《有 趣的世界首都》读书分享会”。 活动一开始,洋洋兔的插画师何老 师即席速写,画了一幅协和同学与图书 主角阿朵朵和北极熊灿烂的“合照”, 吸引一众小读者的目光。编辑白老师通 过与同学互动游戏,展现世界各地不同 首都的特色,继而带出中国的首都—— 北京。由于白老师是土生土长的北京 人,在介绍故宫、四合院、颐和园、北 京小吃时格外绘声绘影,同学仿佛身临 其境。在发问环节中,有同学化身香港 的旅游大使,邀请洋洋兔的哥哥姐姐在 疫情后来港观光,回谢他们这次精彩的 介绍。这次活动分“低小级”及“高小 Leung’s new book aims to help the readers rediscover the beauty of Hong Kong through the camera lens. All three volumes in Leung’s Hong Kong Photography Guide series have been well received, with over 300 locations featured in total. Many readers are keen to learn more photography tips from Leung and with the pandemic under control, we organised the "Autumn Photography Spots Sharing Session" in the Cosmos Books exhibition hall in Wan Chai, where Leung shared his photography tips for capturing wonderful images of Hong Kong in autumn. Besides the popular Tai Tung Shan, Leung shared that many locations will let you take pictures of the autumn-blooming Miscanthus, like the Lo Fu Tau Country Trail in Lantau Island, Ta Pang Po, the MacLehose Trail Section 4 in Wan Kuk Shan, and the quarry at Lion Rock. Many participants were curious about drone photography too, as its increasing popularity in recent times has produced many stunning images of Hong Kong from the air. More than 20 photography enthusiasts participated in the in-depth exchange with Leung and were presented with a set of four postcards featuring the beautiful sceneries from Leung’s new book! Drawing Together in "Monster Studio" The new comic series by Kaiki Chan, the creator of the popular Diary of a Waffle tells the story of protagonist Cha Cha, a cute dog with brown curly fur. Cha Cha is going through a rough patch in life as a comic artist until she rediscovers the joy of drawing when she begins teaching the children's drawing class in "Monster Studio". Ichiban Publishing recreated the "Monster Studio" drawing workshop at SOGO CLUB 16F to let young readers learn how to draw the Monster Studio characters from Kaiki herself. During the workshop, Kaiki taught young readers how to draw Cha Cha as a cake. The children put their artistic talent on full display and produced many beautiful drawings! The girls in the workshop asked Kaiki to teach them how to draw a princess but the boys were contented with continuing to read the comic book. Why were the girls so interested in drawing a princess? Find out in Kaiki’s new book, Monster Studio 3 – The Magical Princess! ( Translated by Shawn Pang) 6 - popularnews 140 

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