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 “Learn More” educational comic series. As the majority of the KGS’s readers are between the ages of seven and 16, the “Learn More” educational comic series represents KGS’s commitment to their young readers to promote the literacy, understanding, and intellectual prowess of their young readers. KGS also hopes to inspire them to develop an enduring love for reading, and an enthusiasm for creative and exciting visual stories that will bridge the gap between popular entertainment and traditional education. However, the appeal of KGS’s publications cuts across all age groups. Take the example of Lawak Kampus. The four-panel comic strips, which bring out the funny side of studying in a high school, are one of KGS’s most popular comics, propelling its creator, Keith Chong, to become a household name. A regular fixture on local bestseller lists, Lawak Kampus has cemented its place as a national favourite, continuing to bring enjoyment to its readers with the absurd, yet relatable, lives of its crazy cast of kooky characters and their hilarious shenanigans. Three Friends Towards Success KGS has always defined success as being able to accomplish their goals while bringing a positive impact on the lives of people through inspiring them to embrace, express, and explore creativity. This goal applies to their staff as well, as KGS has been celebrating the achievement and contribution of each and every of their staff annually to encourage them to further push the boundary of their creativity. Still, KGS believes that achieving their aim of becoming a regional and international beacon of local creativity has a long way to go. However, the journey to their destination is exciting and inspirational. Much like any other enterprise seeking to remain profitable during these exceedingly difficult times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, KGS has had to deal with a variety of challenges. Astute planning helped to realign their focus and alleviate the challenges to cash flow. Along with all the other necessary adjustments to their operations, KGS has successfully weathered the unprecedented crisis in the business environment. Like the phoenix proudly emblazoned on the company’s emblem, KGS is taking on this crisis by reinventing themselves. The various restrictions put in place by the authorities to stem the spread of COVID-19 have meant that KGS has had to re-evaluate their business strategy to stay profitable while meeting the demands of their readers. To reduce operating costs, KGS is also optimising their existing resources and renegotiating variable costs, as well as accelerating their digital transformation plans. Starting from a small business founded by three friends who dared to dream big, KGS is now looking to expand their reach abroad, even as the pandemic continues to cause major disruptions to everyday life. Hoping to go from strength to strength, KGS will stay true to their intent to inspire all to live life creatively, to embrace all possibilities, and to never give up on their dreams. 成功并非终点,而是旅程。对马来 西亚最顶尖的出版社之一而言, 这场旅程是一则很“gempak”(马来 语:一件很棒、很激动人心的事情)的 故事,一段关于三个共怀梦想的友人, 以及间中想象无限的故事。 开疆辟土 1994年,饶正汉、蔡锦豪、苏定坤决定 创立广告公司“平方集团”。身为动漫 与游戏迷,三剑客在1997年亚洲金融危 机后,将业务扩展到出版领域,于是, 首本介绍马来西亚本土漫画家与新秀的 漫画杂志——《GEMPAK》,在1998年 问世。 作为第一本介绍本土和国际动漫, 以及游戏界新闻与故事的马来西亚漫 画资讯杂志,《GEMPAK》的火速成功 奠定了未来的趋势。就如其他伟大的 企业家一样,平方集团的创始人看准了 商机,将《GEMPAK》置于马来西亚独 特与活力四射的本地综合娱乐中心,以 培育及输出马来西亚的人才。双语的 《GEMPAK》以其鲜明注目的品牌脱颖 而出,吸引众人注意。  135 popularnews - 21 

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