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 POPULAR @ IMM 延伸触角IMM The POPULAR IMM store was set up in 1995 to serve as an extension of our core presence at the Jurong East Interchange to reach more of our customers in the area. In those days, IMM was a very different place. Packed with furniture shops and bridal stores, it was the go-to place for couples and young families who were working to build a future, and a home, together. IMM’s popularity grew when the very first Giant hypermarket in Singapore opened at the mall in the 2000s. Large crowd of families, thrilled by the idea of being able to purchase fresh produce, food products and other household items in bulk, were attracted to IMM. The POPULAR IMM store brought to the mall elements of family education and literacy that the shoppers were looking for. It was easy to plan a full day at the mall: the kids would get to replenish their school supplies at POPULAR, while the whole family could dine out together and do their weekly grocery shopping at the hypermarket afterwards. Keeping the store and offerings exciting for their regular customers, POPULAR IMM underwent three rounds of renovations throughout its entire period in business. It continuously strove for excellent customer service, new store layout, innovative shopping concepts and expanded store offerings. As IMM evolved to become Singapore’s largest outlet mall, POPULAR IMM changed to keep up with the shifting consumer preferences. Just like POPULAR Jurong East, POPULAR IMM created many great memories with the community. 26 years on, it was time for us to move on. Instead of leaving on a sad note, POPULAR IMM went out on a high, bringing a smile to our customers who had supported us throughout the journey. With a closing sale offering huge discounts across our entire range of offerings for a month from 18 June 2021 to 18 July 2021, POPULAR IMM left our loyal customers with the memory of a rewarding shopping experience. IMM大众门市于1995年启用,为的就是 把我们的服务从核心的裕廊东转换站门 市延伸开来。从前的IMM,家具店与婚 纱店林立,是供情侣或小家庭规划未来 与家园的地方。2000年初,IMM增设了 一家巨人(Giant)霸级超市后,人气 上升,不少家庭为了大量购买新鲜食品 与家电,都会前往IMM。 IMM大众成为了商场的家庭教育与 人文情怀的心水之地。要在商场上度过 一天并不难:孩子到大众去补充需要的 文具用品后,一家人还可以在外用餐 以及到霸级超市购买一周用品。为了给 予顾客们惊喜优惠,IMM大众在营业期 间,进行过三轮的整修,不断追求卓越 的服务、崭新的门市布局、创新的购物 理念及更优惠的促销。随着IMM商场致 力成为新加坡最大的直销商城,IMM大 众也顺应顾客的喜好,相应转变。 就像裕廊东大众一样,IMM大众也 为社区创造了许多美好的回忆。26载 后,大众又再次整装待发。IMM大众摒 弃难过,把最好的笑容带给在这段旅途 中一直支持我们的顾客。我们举办一个 月的促销活动(6月18日至7月18日), 将最好的购物回忆留给了忠实的顾客。 10 - popularnews 135 

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