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EDITOR’S NOTE It is only through tears, stress, sleepless nights, sacrifices, and learning though — Popular Malaysia’s Norzuriena Binti Merawi, “The POPULAR Heartbeat” winner Dear POPULAR family members, As the world continues to open up, many events have made a comeback in 2022, including the Hong Kong Book Fair. The impact of the persisting pandemic continues to be felt, with the drastic drop in visiting students as their summer holiday was brought forward this year. However, Popular Hong Kong managed to perform even better than in the year before. Read all about Popular Hong Kong’s achievements in this issue’s special features, beginning with a note of appreciation from Mr Ponch Poon, POPULAR’s CEO of Greater China and Canada (p.4). We then travel to Malaysia, with Popular Malaysia picking up from where they had left off after the pandemic struck, continuing POPULAR’s expansion and reaching more people. We join Popular Malaysia as they go about setting up their latest outlets in three of Malaysia’s premier shopping malls in Sarawak, Kuala Lumpur, and Penang (p.12). Just like POPULAR’s corporate logo, people have always been at the centre of everything we do. This does not just refer to our customers, but every POPULAR staff as well. Teamwork is the glue that binds our staff from all over the world together, and is the theme of this issue of Popular News. In the bumper stories of “Popular Personality”, we learn about how Popular Beijing’s General Manager Han Liang took on the challenges of the pandemic shortly after joining POPULAR, and how he rallied his team along the way (p.18). We then return to Malaysia and go on a ride with Popular Malaysia’s dispatch assistant Shahrizal Bin Muhammad, as he goes about keeping his team’s daily operations running smoothly by making sure that all documents and correspondence are delivered swiftly (p.20). Later, we join the two “The POPULAR Heartbeat” winners as they share their joy and appreciation of working in POPULAR. As 2022 comes to a close, here’s wishing the new year will bring more fulfilment and wonderful experiences to all POPULAR staff! The Editorial Team 编辑室 One family, one vision. 大众一家,众人一心 our mistakes that the impossible can become possible. “历经无数眼泪、压力、不眠之夜、牺牲、纠错, 方能将不可能化为可能。” — 诺祖列娜·宾蒂·梅拉维, 马来西亚大众“众心齐动”优胜者 亲爱的大众家庭成员们: 随着世界各国陆续开放边境,2022年众多活动回归举行,香 港书展也在其列。虽然疫情仍未结束以及暑假的提前导致 学生访客锐减,但香港大众在书展的表现却比去年略胜一 筹。本期的“与众不同”以大众集团大中华区及加拿大行政 总裁潘志伟先生的致谢词为始,娓娓道来香港大众取得的 成就(页4)。 马来西亚大众在疫情冲击下重振旗鼓,扩充门市, 陆续在砂拉越、吉隆坡和槟城的三家顶级购物中心内开设 门市(页12)。 大众的企业宗旨始终倡导以人为本,接待顾客如此,对 待每位大众同仁亦然。世界各地的大众员工因团队合作的信 念而心手相连,这也是本期《大众资讯》的主题。 在“风云众人”的精彩专栏中,我们跟随北京大众总经 理韩亮的步伐,了解他在大众上任后如何与团队携手合作, 制订应对疫情挑战的良策(页18);马来西亚的派送员沙赫 里扎尔·宾·莫哈末尽忠职守,迅速送达所有文件和信件, 确保团队运作顺利,让我们跟着他的摩托车一探究竟(页20)。 “众心齐动”的两位获奖者也分享了他们在大众工作的喜悦 和感激之情。 2022年开始走向尾声,祝福新的一年里诸位大众同仁成 就满满,人生精彩!  Head office: POPULAR HOLDINGS LIMITED, 15 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore 554360. Homepage:  

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