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  1918 – Pilot Pen’s first head office in Nihonbashi, Tokyo 1918年百乐笔于东京日本桥的总部 In 1963, Pilot Pen launched the Capless, the world’s first retractable fountain pen, which won the “Most Recommended Product Award” at the International Gift Fair held in Paris in the same year. Pilot Pen also started manufacturing stainless steel tips for ballpoint pens boasting outstanding wear resistance in 1964, and commercialised the world’s first 0.5mm ballpoint pen a year later. In 1978, Pilot Pen launched “The Shaker” mechanical pencil, and then the G-2 rollerball pen with gel ink in 1997. In 2006, Pilot Pen launched their Frixion Ball series of ballpoint pens, featuring erasable ink. The inspiration for the Frixion series came about when, more than 40 years ago, a Pilot Pen researcher noticed that the leaves of various plants changed colours overnight during autumn. Pilot Pen patented the Metamo ink that resulted from their research in 1975, but it would be three decades before the company was able to create a pen due to the technical challenges posed by the narrow operating temperature range of the Metamo ink. Decades of research later, Pilot Pen finally put the finishing touches to its innovative ink. The product was named Frixion as the ink becomes invisible due to the heat produced by the friction created when the ink is rubbed with the attached plastic eraser, becoming invisible at temperatures above 65°C, but reappearing when cooled to –10°C. The Frixion series gives users the ability to erase mistakes without damaging the paper, much like a applying a conventional rubber eraser to writing in pencil. With the immaculately crafted Namiki fountain pens and innovative products like the Frixion pens, it is no surprise that Pilot Pen has achieved such stunning success. As we eagerly anticipate more new and exciting products from Pilot Pen, we also look forward to the continued partnership between POPULAR and Pilot Pen! 百 乐株式会社的前身是并木制作 所,由并木良辅与和田正雄于 1918年创办。两人自东京商船大学(今 为东京海洋大学)毕业后,在一艘商船 共事而相识。当时,尽管他们俩皆志在 创造一个全球通用的日本产品,但之后 并木良辅当上了大学教授,和田正雄则 成为了一名商人。 1906年的一天,并木良辅在课堂见 到一名学生难以用鸭嘴笔书写后,他便 制作了笔身可储存墨水的鸭嘴笔,使用 起来更便利。1910年,他开始研究钢 笔,并坚信日本人可以打造出品质更好 的日版西洋书写工具,于是就与和田正 雄创立并木制作所。 五大启航训示 并木制作所在1938年易名为百乐 (Pilot)株式会社,希望公司能如其 名,像舵手般领船入港。在并木制作所 初建时期,并木良辅与和田正雄即为公 司订立五大工作训示。 训示一是“三者鼎立”,意指代表 生产商、经销商及用户的三方,并立共 存,犹如中国铜器“鼎”一样,三足等 长,方能确保稳定性。同理亦可适用于 现今的商业模式:公司需要平衡同合作 伙伴与利益相关者的关系,互惠互利。 训示二是“忧喜和精神”,意为喜 忧共享。并木良辅与和田正雄深知在追 寻成功的路上不免遇到苦难,但达至目 标后即可获得成就感与喜悦。因此两人 深信,公司全体人员应共存共荣,同步 进退。 训示三是“难关突破”,亦指克服 困难。这源自于有一回,并木良辅搭乘 的船遇上暴风雨,所幸在船员们共同合 作下,船只才没翻覆。并木良辅与和 田正雄相信,只要公司人员有着克服一  30 - popularnews 133 

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