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 experts discussed the relationship between exercise and cancer, while correcting many fallacies and misconceptions about health. While the adults learnt about health- related topics, it was story time for the young readers. Representatives from the UNHCR, Suzanne and Carrie, told the tale of Nadima 2. The young readers in attendance were enraptured and many were also eager to participate in the quiz segment to win themselves small gifts! The liveliest moment at HKBF 2022 belonged to Yoki Tong, the first author to release their 2023 Year of the Rabbit fortune almanac. Not only did she teach everyone how to use the brand new Yoki Tong’s 2023 Year of the Rabbit Fortune Calendar, she also gave feng shui tips, such as the most suitable foods for people with a cold disposition or the best activities for people with a hot disposition, to boost their fortunes. Book Treasure Hunt As this year’s HKBF was held during the school term, we planned some “extracurricular activities” for parents and children. World Publishing Company worked with The Salvation Army Lam Butt Chung Memorial School to hold a Book Treasure Hunt. With teachers leading students to visit our booth and the professional explanations provided by the editors, the students took on the roles of librarians, selecting books suitable for school libraries. The young librarians had a great time selecting books that should make their way to their school libraries in the next school year. With students able to borrow these carefully selected books, interest in reading will certainly grow! Taking It Online To give back to our customers, we prepared discounts and gifts for all booklovers from the very first day of the book fair. Those who could not visit the book fair were not left out, as we offered the same discounts online via the Very Popular Store ( operated by Kam Pui Enterprises and Smart English. New members of the Very Popular Store or subscribers to Seashore Publishing’s YouTube channel of recipes were all eligible to receive substantial free gifts. With the news spreading on social media platforms, many signed up, with the gifts having to be replenished again and again. We thank everyone for their support. Remember to check out our new ideas at next year’s HKBF! (Translated by Daryl Li) 香港书展是书迷们的年度盛事, 一如以往,金培企业在七月 以“世界出版社”的名义在一号展览厅 参展,不少新书趁着书展首度亮相。 而 “Smart English”(尖子英语有限公 司,后称“尖子英语”)今年首次在三 号展览厅“儿童天地”参展,带来不少 深受小朋友和家长欢迎的英文图书和教 材,进一步推广让孩童在色彩丰富的图 书世界大开眼界的阅读理念。 往年书展是不少家庭的指定暑期活 动,不过今年因大部分学校的暑假都延 至八月,故此次书展变成了“课后活 动”,甚至是学校老师带领的“试后活 动”。起初团队也担心书展在上学日 举办会影响人流,幸好平日午后人流恢 复热闹,周末更是人头攒动,我们也放 下心头大石,以各种优惠及赠品回馈读 者,答谢大家到场支持和交流。 儿童史书拓展视野 每年书展大家都期待新书上场,今年 “金培企业”以儿童图书为重点,希望 小朋友能从阅读漫画及绘本中轻松学 习。最新出版的《国宝带我看历史—— 穿越古今8000年》和一套八册的《这 是孩子必读的漫画中国史》均以中华文 化为背景。前者以奇幻故事,带领儿童 了解国宝背后的历史,最适合带孩子 参观“故宫文化博物馆”前暖身;后者 则以简练风趣的漫画,和孩子笑读由夏 商周至清朝长达4000年的历史,书本 编排脉络清晰,好读易懂,从中获取古 人的经验、教训与智慧。同系列更备有 “中国历史全景图”,一幅海报简列中 国4000年历史及名人,有趣实用,深得 家长及老师欢迎。 若小朋友对历史有兴趣,又或是一 个小小军事研究专家,就绝不容错过 《二战·手绘地图上的经典战役》,创 作团队“洋洋兔”以手绘方式,为孩子 创作出关于第二次世界大战历史、人文 知识类地图绘本,“德国闪击波兰”、 “日本偷袭珍珠港”等著名历史事件全 以插画呈现,唤起他们学习历史的兴趣。 说到战争,由“世界出版社”和 “联合国难民署”合作出版的《纳迪玛 10 - popularnews 142 Smart English made its HKBF debut this year, with PAW Patrol being exceptionally popular with children 尖子英语今年首度参展,其中“汪汪狗立大功”系列大受小朋友欢迎 

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