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 during the pandemic. This is primarily because most publishers offer colouring books and storybooks for children but place less emphasis on academic workbooks due to lack of continuity and smaller profit margins. This is where our quality supplementary learning workbooks come into play. Providing Quality Education for All Popular Canada has adapted our Canadian Let’s Tackle series for venturing into this profitable US market, specifically Dollar General. Let’s Tackle offers POPULAR’s signature value-packed educational content at the competitive price of $1.99 per book. This full-coloured, curriculum-based workbook series written by teachers and comprises eight titles caters to four grade levels – PreK to Grade 2 – to help children learn and develop both Mathematics and English language concepts and skills. 特价店在全美零售业增势正盛,折 扣店和一元店是其主力军。美国 现有多达3万7000家折扣店,因商品售 价远低于制造商建议的零售价,而深受 美国民众欢迎。尽管众多普通零售商在 疫情期间被迫暂停营业,但与消费者日 常生活息息相关的一元连锁店却在全美 各地不断扩张。 优质教辅书攻下特价店 截至2022年4月,在全美排名前三的折 扣店零售商中,多来店(达乐公司) 旗下有1万8356家门市,美元树和家多 乐旗下则各有1万6162家门店。这三家 零售特价连锁店占据了全美80%以上的 折扣店市场。 多来店创立于1939年,迄今已有80 多年的零售业历史。它不仅是全美最大 的折扣连锁店,而且门市数量雄踞美国 零售业连锁店榜首,遍布全美47个州, 其中在30个州中市场份额居领先地位。 多来店为民众提供价格低廉的家庭必需 品和其他商品,其中,约25%的商品零 售价低至一美元或以下,80%的商品零 售价则维持在五美元或以下。过去32年 以来,多来店销售额一直持续增长,即 使是在发生疫情的2020年和2021年。 Every 40-page workbook in the Let’s Tackle series is carefully curated for children in their formative years and covers the essentials of Mathematics or English for that specific level. The gradual increase in the level of difficulty helps build confidence as young learners complete the exercises at their own pace. The exercises are centred on real-life situations for children to learn basic Mathematics or English language concepts and skills in a variety of meaningful ways. The wide array of activities throughout each workbook adds fun to learning. To further encourage learning and motivate children, each title offers colourful stickers. Let’s Tackle truly encompasses POPULAR’s core value of providing quality education for all. Adding even greater value, our Let’s Tackle series is thoughtfully packaged for American value stores in specially designed preassembled shelf display boxes as an efficient and cost-effective solution to 美国的折扣店市场正在迅猛发展, 此市场的客户对孩童优质教辅书的需求 持续增加,尤其在疫情期间。这主要 是因为大多数的出版商以出版涂色书和 故事书为主,因缺乏持久性和利润较 低而不注重与学科相关的教辅书。这就 是为何我们的优质教辅书能攻下美国 特价店。 系列体现大众核心价值 加拿大大众审时度势,精选了“我们一 起攻克”系列,进驻充满盈利前景的美 国市场,并成功在多来店占据了一席 之地。此系列除售价仅1.99美元极具竞 争力外,也具备大众一贯内容翔实的特 点,真是物超所值。整套全彩绘教辅书 由专业教师团队编写,以课程为基础, 一共八册,适用于四个年级(从学前到 小学二年级),旨在帮助孩童掌握数学 与英语的基本概念和技能。 “我们一起攻克”系列教辅书,每 册40页,精心为成长期的孩童量身打 造,涵盖了与年龄段相辅的数学或英文 的基本内容。难度由浅入深,有助于孩 童建立自信,并依据自身进度循序渐进 地完成相关内容。内容选材围绕日常 生活情境,以多种有意义的方式助力孩 shelving books. This helps to save the retailers’ time, overhead costs, and valuable shelf space, which is another advantage of this product. We are excited to tackle the US value channel and ready for our American customers to enjoy all the benefits as their children learn and discover their academic potential with our high-quality Let’s Tackle workbooks!      童学习基本的数学或英语概念和技能。 多样化的活动内容让孩童对学习重揽乐 趣。为了鼓励和激发孩童积极学习,每 册书附有彩色贴纸。“我们一起攻克” 系列秉承了大众教育的核心理念——为 全民提供优质教育。 专为特价店别出心裁设计的预先组 装的书柜式展示盒,则是“我们一起攻 克”系列的另一大优势。书柜展示盒不 仅高效且经济实惠,有助于节省零售商 的时间、管理费用和宝贵的货架空间。 攻下美国特价店市场让我们倍感欣 喜。期待“我们一起攻克”这套教辅书 引导孩童学习,开发孩童学习潜力,美 国家长也定会从中受益匪浅。 (翻译:魏君)  141 popularnews - 9 

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