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EDITOR’S NOTE Dear POPULAR family members, As the world moves towards opening up again, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a long shadow on the road to recovery with the persistent threats from new variants. Nonetheless, many would welcome a return to normalcy as we pick up the pieces after the pandemic. In this issue’s special feature, let us join Popular Malaysia as they organise a series of book fairs across Malaysia to bring the joy of reading back (p.4). Also on the move is Popular Canada, capitalising on the rising popularity of discount stores in the United States of America to bring their high-quality supplementary learning workbook series, Let’s Tackle, to the children, helping them to learn better and discover their academic potential (p.8). Popular Beijing has also been keeping up their momentum through the summer by promoting the new scientific approach to the transition from preschool to primary school by working with kindergartens and education groups all over China (p.10). Moving on also means learning to deal with unhappy news, especially that which signals the closing of a chapter in Singapore’s bookstore industry. When news of the bookstore’s impending closure after half a century in business broke, we visited Knowledge Book Centre to reminisce about the venerable source of knowledge that is Bras Basah Complex, Singapore’s City of Books (p.12). Indeed, books are a source of knowledge for so many people. This is why we are featuring a bumper issue on the written word in this issue of Popular News! We will start with a publication from Seashore Publishing that seeks to promote the home-style Fuzhou cuisine that renowned Malaysian chef TK Dong has grew up with (p.15), and return to Singapore to learn all about the five new children’s storybooks published by Chou Sing Chu Foundation written by five local writers (p.18). We then get moving with Popular Hong Kong’s Alex Liu as he shares the importance of preparation through his experience of participating in a marathon (p.33). The Editorial Team 编辑室 One family, one vision. 大众一家,众人一心 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. “生活就像骑脚踏车。 为了保持平衡,你必须继续前进。” — 艾尔伯特·爱因斯坦 亲爱的大众家庭成员们: 世界从新冠疫情中重新开放,但变种病毒的威胁仍在,复苏 之路还很漫长。尽管如此,人们还是乐见生活重归轨道。本 期“与众不同”,一起看看马来西亚大众在全马举办的系列 书展,为人们再次带来阅读的乐趣(页4)。 加拿大大众也步履不停,其出版的优质儿童教辅书 “攻克”系列进驻在美国渐受欢迎的特价店,为孩子们的学 习之路添砖加瓦,挖掘学习潜力(页8)。北京大众在盛夏 势头强劲,与中国各地的幼儿园及教育集团通力合作,大力 推广科学幼小衔接的新方法(页10)。 砥砺前行也意味着要学习应对形形色色的负面消息, 尤其是那些新加坡书店同行结业的消息。当经营了半个世纪 的“知识书店”传出即将关闭的消息时,我们前去致敬,追 忆被誉为知识之源的新加坡书城——百胜楼的荣景(页12)。 毋庸置疑,书籍是人类知识的源泉,本期“众心出 版”即重磅推介两部书籍,先是马来西亚海滨出版社出版的 《福州菜》,介绍名厨唐丁强的家常福州菜(页15),再到 新加坡了解由周星衢基金出版、五位本土作家撰写的五本儿 童故事书(页18)。 最后,参与全程马拉松的香港同仁廖文耀,与我们分享 了“充分准备”的重要性(页33)。   — Albert Einstein   Head office: POPULAR HOLDINGS LIMITED, 15 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore 554360. Homepage:  

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