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  Classic Fuzhou Dishes Recommended by Chef TK Dong 名厨唐丁强推荐的福州经典名菜 Red Vinasse Pork Belly 红糟肉 Fuzhounese like to use red vinasse as a seasoning. Hence, there are many Fuzhou dishes like Drunken Red Vinasse Chicken and Red Vinasse Fish. Among them, Red Vinasse Pork Belly is the most commonly seen dish, which is traditionally enjoyed by sandwiching the meat in Kompyang, a type of bread. Check out the Red Vinasse Duck recipe on page 40 to learn how to cook this traditional Fuzhou dish. 福州人喜用红糟作调料,所以福州菜有一系列令人垂涎欲滴的美味红糟佳肴, 包括醉糟鸡、红糟鱼等,其中以红糟肉为代表,最常出现在餐桌上,将红糟 肉夹在光饼里享用就是最经典的吃法。敬请翻阅本期第40页的红糟鸭食 谱,一起学习烹制这道传统福州菜。 菜大多保留了原乡口味,但随 着岁月已与本地风味交融,衍生 出干盘面、炒煮面、干捞扁肉、千 层梳打饼等福州原乡所没有的食物。 丁强说,在马来西亚的福州家庭 大多数都会自酿私房红糟,无论是平 日、过年、生日或坐月子,都会用红 糟或红糟酒来煮红糟鱼、红糟肉、红 糟鸡蛋面线等。正如老一辈的福州人 有句话说“七遛八遛,莫离福州”, 福州人始终离不开福州味,透过自酿 红糟来守住传统福州滋味。 在烹饪界耕耘多年,丁强勇于尝 试各式料理;但让他最引以为傲的始 终还是来自家乡的福州家传菜。他希 望自己有朝一日也能成为著名的明星 厨师,受邀到世界各地的烹饪节目 或烹饪活动,将这代代相传的美 味,分享给更多人,而海滨 出版就是他起步的第一个 平台。 Lychee Glazed Meat 荔枝肉 A traditional dish in Fuzhou, Lychee Glazed Meat encapsulates the preference for sweet and sour food of the Fuzhounese. Cooking this delicacy involves scoring the the surface of the pork with a knife and rolling it for frying. The pork will turn out looking like lychees – hence the name – and is then cooked with a sweet and sour sauce prepared with tomato sauce. 荔枝肉是福州家喻户晓的传统名菜,完全符合福州人爱吃酸和甜的 特性。此道佳肴将猪肉表面切花刀,将肉卷起油炸后貌似荔枝形 状,配上以番茄酱调配的酸甜酱汁烹制,无论是色、形、味皆似荔 枝,因而取名荔枝肉。 Kampua Mee 干盘面 A kind of dry noodles seasoned with lard, fried shallot oil and light soy sauce, Kampua Mee is served with slices of barbecued pork and wontons. Though not a traditional Fuzhou dish, it was a convenient dish for labourers in the past and has become an important dish for many growing up in Sibu. 干盘面是一种干捞面,用猪油、炸葱油、生抽等调味拌匀,配上叉烧肉片和扁肉 享用,是伴随诗巫人长大的重要面食。干盘面并不是福州传统食物,据说是早期 在诗巫落脚的劳动者的便利面食,由当地福州人发扬光大。  141 popularnews - 17 

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