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CONTENTS Special Feature 与众不同 04 A Pioneering Success and A Fond Farewell 功成身退:光大大众书局 09 Back-to-School Preparations Made Stress-free! 重返校园零压力 In the News 众点新闻 13 From Preschool to Primary School 科学幼小衔接教育 16 Marketing Learning During the Pandemic 香港开学祭:疫情催生O2O营销策略 18 Honouring Their Dedication 长期服务,岁月可证 20 Staying Active @ POPULAR 与“众”同跃,身心康泰 22 A Corner of Care and Encouragement 爱心关怀加油站 23 Welcoming the God of Wealth 壬寅年喜迎财神 In the Know 博采众长 25 The Most Beautiful Japanese Bookstore 茑屋书店:最美日系代表 popularnews 139     04 Pop Corner 众的声音 27 The POPULAR Heartbeat 众心齐动 To A Great Mentor 赠前辈 Sajak Buat Senior 29 “The POPULAR Heartbeat” is Here to Stay!   征稿启事:“众心齐动”不停歇! 30 A Banquet to Celebrate Our Reunion 尾牙盛宴庆团圆 32 Embracing Change in the Age of the Pandemic 拥抱疫情后的改变 34 Joy in the Company of Animals 猫犬毛孩喜相伴 36 My Beautiful Hometown, Shantou 汕头:我美丽的故乡 38 The Fragrance of Coconut 舌尖上的椰香 40 Food Blog 食在好玩 Book Column 众里寻他 42 Bridging the Cooking Styles of Old and New 传统风味新煮意 Penghubung Gaya Masakan Generasi Lama dan Baharu 46 Publishing Showcase 悦读大众    09    23   36   Editorial Committee 编辑委员会 Singapore / Malaysia Lim Lee Ngoh 林利娥 Laraine Heng 王美凤 (Singapore) Wong Seok Fone 黄淑芳 (Malaysia) Greater China / Canada Ponch Poon 潘志伟 Natalie Kwan 关永媚 (Hong Kong) Flora Feng 冯伟 (Beijing) Mandy Lai 黎婉琪 (Canada) Sammi Wu 吴家心 (Taiwan) Gina Chen 陈雅琪 (Taiwan)  POPULAR News is a publication for the management and staff of POPULAR. Its objective is to be the official communications medium for the POPULAR family. All feedback from POPULAR staff is welcome. Editorial office reserves the right to make amendments prior to publication. 《大众资讯》是专为大众职员出版的官方刊物,旨于有效地传扬大众的精神和特质。 凡与大众相关意见,请来函指教。本刊对来稿拥有删改权。  

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