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   presentation for the HODs was held at the lobby of Popular Malaysia headquarters, where it was decked out in colourful and cheerful Christmas decorations. There was also a snack corner serving local delights like Nyonya kuih muih and seasonal goodies like Christmas cookies. All necessary safety measures were taken by the organisers to ensure that participants could enjoy the proceedings with peace of mind. The physical SRA presentation came to an eventful conclusion with a group photo- taking session amid a lively ambience filled with laughter. The Inaugural Virtual SRA Presentation Ceremony The online SRA presentation for the HODs was equally fun and memorable, beginning with a welcome speech by the representative of the organisers, Popular Malaysia’s Senior HR Manager Wong Seok Fone. The Long Service Awards (LSA) presentation started promptly thereafter and all participants changed their virtual background to the specially designed SRA backdrop to express solidarity with the awardees. Despite being physically apart from one another, we were able to share some light-hearted moments as the organisers utilised Zoom’s Spotlight feature to showcase the various awardees according to their number of years of service in POPULAR alongside Popular Malaysia’s Executive Director, Ms Lim Lee Ngoh, and asked each of them to give a short impromptu acceptance speech. There were two awardees on the list of the 35-year LSA, and it was no surprise that one of them was none other than Popular Malaysia’s Executive Director! The organisers had prepared a surprise for Ms Lim by asking all the department heads to shout out their well wishes for the veteran skipper of Popular Malaysia after her name was announced, and everyone was brought on a visual journey through the 35 years that Ms Lim has dedicated to POPULAR. Lunch was served according to the authorities’ safe distancing measures, marking the end of Popular Malaysia’s first ever virtual SRA. As we congratulate all awardees of the SRA 2020 and 2021, we would like to say a big “Thank you” to the staff of Popular Malaysia’s Human Resources Department for organising such interesting SRA presentation ceremonies. Even as the pandemic has led to a change in the event format, we continue to stay positive and are looking forward to a better year in 2022! 马来西亚大众一年一度举办的优秀 员工奖,表扬同仁的付出与辛 劳,让马来西亚各地获奖者齐聚颁奖典 礼,是重要传统之一;然而随着政府颁 布的一系列为防止冠病传播的严格社交 限制令,2020年的实体颁奖礼只能取 消。世界在2021年继续与冠病奋战,我 们的人事部决定以不一样的姿态,举办 2021年颁奖典礼。 疫情催生变革力 数码技术在疫情笼罩下迅速成为为数不 多的亮点之一,科技使我们能够继续居 家工作或学习。此次2021年颁奖典礼 即结合实体与线上的混合模式,既弥补 2020年得奖同仁的遗憾,也同时为两届 的得奖者庆贺。 全马各地的大众门市都在自家店内 以这个新方式举办颁奖仪式,总部则在 各别部门举行,获奖者将从部门或门市 主管手中接获奖项。人事部旗下的各个 主管有另一个颁奖仪式,各部门主管也 有特别的线上颁奖典礼。 群英共赴颁奖礼 实体颁奖典礼在佳节气氛浓厚的2021 年12月,于各门市与部门举行。每名得 奖者都获颁一份认可他们为大众辛勤付 出的证书及金牌。同时,得奖者也会获 赠一盆漂亮的多肉植物,象征着大众祝 福他们身体健康,也寓意着大众与同仁 们一起成长。当地的奖项主办方为各别 的颁奖仪式拍照,而这些喜庆的相片会 交给人事部打印裱框,送给每名得奖者 留念。 为部门主管举办的颁奖典礼,则在 布满缤纷圣诞装饰的大众总部大堂内举 行。用餐角落除了有本地美食如娘惹糕 点,还有圣诞饼干。主办单位做好必要 的安全措施,让参与者安心参与。实体 的优秀员工奖颁奖典礼在充满欢声笑语 的大合影后圆满落幕。 26 - popularnews 138 

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