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  slices, complementing the Mid-Autumn Festival perfectly. Besides, starfruits have cooling properties, appropriate for the dry weather in autumn. Popular Hong Kong’s Human Resources and Administration Department also prepared various lantern riddles to add to the festive mood. Close to a hundred staff participated and 63 emerged as winners for guessing the correct answers. There was also a lucky draw where five lucky winners capped their eventful evening with gift certificates. The Attraction of the Moon Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival took place when the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong was beginning to be brought under control. Various celebrations were held all over Hong Kong to spread the joy of the festivities to everyone. There was even a giant luminous "moon" at Kwun Tong Promenade. Standing at imposing height of 15 metres, the three-dimensional moon even boasted craters on its surface! The moon turned translucent after nightfall, attracting an even larger crowd with everyone eager to take a closer look at it. For this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish for the global pandemic to be over soon. I am looking forward to the reopening of the international borders, when people from all over the world will be reunited! ( Translated by Shawn Pang) 农历八月十五中秋节是华人的传统 节日之一。中秋节当天月亮圆 满,故中秋节含有团聚、团圆的意思。 很多家庭会在饭后到花灯会观赏花灯、 猜灯谜,小孩亦会提着灯笼到公园玩 耍,一家人在户外空旷的地方赏月,欢 聚中秋。 为庆祝中秋节,公司每年会准备一 些节庆食品与同事分享。去年亦不例 外,公司准备了月饼及各式果篮送给 同事。 月饼方面,除了有传统的低糖蛋黄 白莲蓉月饼,还有一些新派月饼,例 如有机柑桔月饼。而水果方面,公司特 别准备不同的水果,表达各种寓意与祝 福,例如柚子寓意平安健康、团团圆 圆;富有杮像一串串挂在树上的红灯 笼,象征吉祥如意、富有丰足;杨桃则 有洋洋得意之意,当被切成一片片时, 外形就像天空的星星,是中秋节的应景 水果。杨桃也具清热生津的功效,适合 秋燥天气食用。 此外,人力资源及行政部也准备了 中秋灯谜,增添节日气氛。近百位同仁 参与猜灯谜,当中有63人全猜对。公司 也利用线上抽奖系统,颁发礼券给五位 幸运儿。 巨型“月亮”引人潮 去年中秋,香港冠病疫情渐趋缓和,多 处举办各种中秋庆祝活动,与众同乐。 当中观塘海滨出现15米高的巨型发光 “月亮”,月亮表面坑纹清晰,仿若真 实月亮,入夜后更是立体透亮。市民在 岸边近距离观看,月亮仿佛触手可及, 非一般体验吸引大批人潮。 今年的中秋节,希望全球疫情好 转,各国边境开放,早日人月两团圆!    137 popularnews - 33 

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