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      The Best of Partners Turning to Yoke Siew’s leadership is a sure-fire way to ensure that problems are solved. With the difficulties settled, Yoke Siew is motivated to conceptualise even better plans. Apart from the department colleagues working side by side with her, giving Yoke Siew the confidence to face these challenges is the department’s assistant manager Christine Lee Shiau Earn. Christine had been Yoke Siew’s partner at work since their time in POPULAR’s Cheras Leisure Mall outlet. When Yoke Siew was transferred to the Text and Assessment Department, she recommended a similar move for Christine so that they could continue working together. “Back then, we were two fledgelings who had to summon the courage to negotiate with the owners of publishing houses.” Yoke Siew remarks that the publishers tended to have their reservations about these two young women, but they gave their best, proving themselves with results and slowly winning over the publishers. The two of them fought side by side for many years. “Today, I am responsible for the behind- the-scenes planning, while Christine takes to the frontlines. Sometimes we joke and say that I’m in charge of the house and she’s responsible for earning our keep outside.” Pillars of Support It is hard to imagine that Yoke Siew, so full of enthusiasm for her work today, once considered giving up when she was first involved in department management. Rising through the ranks from a rank and file to a manager, Yoke Siew found the pressure high initially. With zero management experience at the time, she was frustrated and nearly gave up. Fortunately, English and Malay Senior Merchandising Manager Chew Cheong Tat, who has an eye for talent, had high hopes for her and gave her timely advice. Not wanting to disappoint him, Yoke Siew decided to stay the course. “In fact, the term ‘persistence’ – the attitude of reluctantly continuing when having no choice – makes me uncomfortable. Thinking back, it was persistence that led me through many challenges and difficulties.” Today, Yoke Siew no longer applies persistence but enjoyment to meeting the challenges of work and gaining the approval of her work, finding a sense of accomplishment therein. “Sometimes, my superiors invite colleagues from other departments to observe projects completed by my department. To me, this is a recognition of our efforts and achievements.” From an encouraging colleague with an eye for talent to a good partner at work and an excellent team, many people have enabled Yoke Siew play to her strengths. She believes that had she lacked any of these pillars of support at the beginning, she probably would not still be working for POPULAR. “Back then, something my friend said gave me clarity. He said that if I were to give up and join another company, I would simply face the same problems in a different place. Why not solve them here and now?” Upon reflection, Yoke Siew faced the challenge head on, carving a path forwards step by step. After graduating from her Journalism and Mass Communication studies, Yoke Siew joined the retail sector and started from scratch to rise up the ranks. Supported by her colleagues, she has found true satisfaction in her work. What more could one ask for in their job? (Translated by Daryl Li) 世 上最美好的工作是什么? 从马来西亚大众书局课外书采购部 经理许玉秀的经历可算最佳表述。伯 乐的提拔、最佳搭档的分工、团队的配 合,以及让自己发挥所长、圆满工作、 享受成就,正是一份美好的工作。虽然 许玉秀没有言明,但她在分享工作经验 时所散发出来的风采,一切不言而喻。 举目皆为吾良师 在大众书局的26年光阴是许玉秀至今 大半的人生。她对现下和未来可执行的 工作侃侃而谈,所思所想均是商品推广 的最佳企划方案,而随时随地向他人学 习则是她给自己的功课。“我时刻都在 观摩别的部门或其他零售业的好点子。 即便遇到好的企划,也需要通过学习、 吸收、思考,才能融汇贯通,为我们所 用。” 平时休假,许玉秀与友人外出逛 街、寻美食,若碰上正在做活动的零售 商家,她会职业病上身,情不自禁地驻 足于前,踹摩商家的策展促销或陈列摆 设。许玉秀分享道:“逛街时,朋友时 常发现我会突然失踪,其实我是被有意 思的商品促销策划给吸引了。” 对许玉秀而言,零售业是隔行不隔 山,好的老师遍地都是,都是她学习和 观摩的对象。成功的营销例子,就是她 137 popularnews - 21 

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