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 over 200 bookstores and newsstands along one street. Unfortunately, the Book Street is filled with hotels and restaurants today. It is hard to imagine such a scene of prosperity for someone born post-2000 like me, and I wish I had a time machine so that I could see it with my own eyes. Established in 1953, San Min Book Company began life publishing mainly law books, but its current direction is very similar to POPULAR, publishing textbooks, reference books, and so on, and having an online store as well. Although it has only two physical stores, San Min’s importance in the Taiwan book industry cannot be understated. With the rise of online bookstores, it has not been easy for San Min Book Company to remain resilient in the fields of education and publishing. I hope that more students will learn more about San Min Book Company like me, such that this stalwart of the Taiwanese publishing industry will be even more widely known, enabling it to stand steadfast in an era of rapid change. (Translated by Daryl Li) 一次网购图书,我偶然发现了 来,因为除了诚品以外,我还没有看  “三民书局网路书店”。此前 我从没听过这家书店,浏览网站时,意 外在页面中发现有简体书的分类区,于 是我订购了几本简体书。过了几天,门 市打电话通知我去取书,殊不知就是这 通电话让我“沦陷”于三民书局的魅力 之中。 设有简体书楼层 三民书局在台北有两家门市,即重南店 及复北店,我选择了靠近捷运站的复北 店去取书。走出捷运站正想着该往哪边 走时,就瞥见了左方刻着“三民书局” 的大招牌,我还担心是不是看错了。 走到门口后,我被眼前的建筑物震 惊了。在我的印象中,书局一般面积 不大,很少有如此高的一整栋楼。 因疫情的关系,一入店门就有店 员量体温、喷酒精,接下来映入眼帘 的则是手扶梯。我有一瞬间反应不过 过在书局里有手扶梯,而且不是一般 的扶梯。成功取书后,我意犹未尽地 抱着一箱书逛了每一层楼,发现有好 多不错的书,也发现有一层楼全是简 体书,令我又惊又喜。之前我从未 读过简体书,这次来三民书局也是因 为想买几本被推荐但没有繁体版的书 籍。在这层楼我又逛了快一小时,逛 到双手都拿不下了才回一楼结账。 首家手扶梯书局 回家后,越想越觉得今天的经验太难 得了,于是我搜寻了三民书局的维基 百科,发现它是全台湾第一家拥有手 扶梯的书局!不过不是这次去取书的 复北店,而是另一家重南店。它经历 了台北书街的繁华时代,当时书街的 人潮毫不逊于现今的台北东区,一条 路上有200家以上的书店和报摊。我好 难想象当时的盛况,身为00后的我很  24 - popularnews 141 

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