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  征启稿事 is Here to Stay! “众心齐动” 不停歇! POPULAR’s heartbeat continues strong despite the disruptions caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic! 团结之心不因疫而懈,本刊“众心齐动”栏目继续开足马力,鼓舞人心!     The POPULAR      We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has continued to submit your POPULAR stories to us despite the challenges of combatting the spread of COVID-19. Working from home has become the new norm as the pandemic has led to big changes in our lives. It has been no exception at POPULAR, with the various offices implementing a series of measures to ensure the wellbeing of our staff. Since becoming a regular column, “The POPULAR Heartbeat” has seen an overwhelming response from you. We hope it will continue to be an avenue where your stories will inspire everyone to overcome these challenging times as one POPULAR family! You can write about anything related to your experience at work, working from home, or the challenges of living through the COVID-19 pandemic in English, Chinese, or Malay. Include a photo to add a visual dimension to your entries. You can even submit a poem or an illustration! Email your submission to us with the subject “The POPULAR Heartbeat”. If chosen for publication, you will receive SGD 50. Contest rules and regulations: 1. Email your submission to with “The POPULAR Heartbeat” as the subject. Include your full name, designation, department, email, and contact numbers. 2. For essays, submissions should be at least 250 words. 3. Ensure that submitted photos are in the highest possible 冠病疫情当前,各地大众同仁须适应政府的管控措施,忙于 工作之际仍捎来文稿,让我们由衷感谢。此次疫情使世界产 生巨变,居家办公成为新常态,大众多个办事处也不例外; 而各部门的防疫措施亦谨慎到位。 《大众资讯》固定栏目“众心齐动”鼓励大众同仁分享工作 经验,回响热烈,诚盼坚守在各个岗位的大众同仁继续书写 职场生活点滴,与其他同事共勉,众志成城,齐渡难关! 您可以英文、华文或马来文书写,分享职场生活、居家办公 经验,或在职场上抗疫的心路历程。请随文附上相关高清照 片及图说;诗歌和画作也一律欢迎! 请电邮呈交作品,标题注明“众心齐动”。作品一经获选刊 登,将致酬50新元以示鼓励。 “众心齐动”征稿要求: 1. 请将作品电邮至,标题 注明“众心齐动”,并附上您的中英文全名、职称、部 门、电邮地址与电话号码。 2. 文稿须至少250字。 3. 请确保照片像素高清。 resolution. 140 popularnews - 31 

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