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   some rental bookstores were open 24 hours“你喜欢篮球吗?”前阵子《灌篮 说就已在广大女性读者间蔚为风潮!其 a day, serving meals, providing internet access, and even private rooms. There were around 4,000 rental bookstores in Taiwan by 2000. Back then, opening a rental bookstore seemed like a lifestyle choice! The Decline of the Rental Bookstores The advent of the internet and subsequent shift in consumption habits in the 2000s brought an end to the rental bookstores’ heyday. Today, fewer than 400 rental bookstores remain in Taiwan. The alleys around Taipei’s Chien-Cheng Circle were where many rental bookstores used to be located. Today, only weathered old signboards remain. A handful are still holding out, like Man Man Chih Comic Café on Chang’an West Road. Though the two- storey bookstore is not spacious, its bright and warm ambience is remarkably different from other rental bookstores, and it even serves great food. Even on weekdays, the bookstore is packed with people of all ages. Every customer seems to see this place as not just a rental bookstore, but also as a place for relaxation and gathering. Reading and renting books may no longer be the main reason customers visit now, but I sincerely hope that such bookstores can continue to be around with our support. Everyone has a classic publication in their hearts. Let us go visit these rental bookstores to relive the memories of youth before they disappear! 高手》的作者——井上雄彦 无预警地宣布将带来此系列的新作,这 句赤木晴子曾问过樱木花道的台词,在 许多六、七年级生的耳边再度响起...... 那个年代大家每隔几天就迫不及待地要 追看最新连载漫画;在课堂上的书桌 下,用课本遮着、努力避开老师眼光扫 射,也要赶紧将剧情补上。现在我们 讲的“追剧”,以前可是追漫画、追小 说,而“租书店”就宛如众信徒的朝圣 宝殿呢! 租书店缘起 在台湾,租书店的起飞期从1980年开 始,1990年进入成熟期,版权取得合 法、印刷品质提升,都让租书店这个产 业链走向辉煌。 日本漫画的大量输入,开启多元化 阅读,也深深影响了流行文化,例如受 到高桥留美子《乱马1/2》的影响,当 时有不少女孩的绰号都取作“小P”(书 中男二变身的小猪);又或者像安达充 的热血小清新运动题材《H2-好逑双物 语》、鸟山明《七龙珠》等,无一不是 经典。后来香港漫画也加入战场,《中 华英雄》、《风云》等与日本漫画风格 迥然不同,皆卷起将漫画翻拍成电视剧 或电影的风潮,好不热闹! 租书店还有另一项主力出版品:言 情小说。早在网络小说盛行前,言情小 余像租借杂志和DVD,也都是租书店的 业务范畴。也因为市场竞争激烈,租书 店的服务项目就像便利店一样,提供中 西式餐点、上网、包厢,甚至24小时营 业。2000年左右,全台租书店达到4000 家,各种租书店加盟品牌一应而生。那 时候,开一家租书店可是不少人的人生 选项呢! 租书店缘灭 2000年后,随着网路崛起,消费习惯的 转移,租书店也逐渐走向没落,如今全 台已不到400家,令人不胜唏嘘! 台北建成圆环旁的巷弄里,曾经是 几家租书店的据点,如今也已吹起熄灯 号,跟着台北圆环走入历史,只剩斑驳 的旧招牌依然伫立。不过,仍有租书店 坚守岗位,例如台北市长安西路的“漫 漫吃漫画咖啡店”,不算宽敞的两层楼 店面,营造出有别于传统租书店的氛 围,明亮温馨,餐点也有一定的水准。 即使在平日,客人也不少,包括大学生 和长辈们,老少咸宜,大家似乎不只把 这里当成是租书店,更像是个休憩聚会 的场所。看书、租书,或许已经不是主 要目的,然而我真心希望这样的店家能 得到支持,延续下去。 每个人的心中,都有一部经典作 品,趁着租书店还没绝迹前,赶快去逛 逛,重温青春的回忆吧!  (Translated by Shawn Pang) 140 popularnews - 25 

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