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A total of 121 Popular Malaysia staff took part in the “Activ@Work” Challenge. Many of them chose to sign up when the Movement Control Order was imposed in Malaysia, as exercise became a healthy way of releasing the tension from the strict restrictions imposed on their movement and social interactions during the lockdown. Indeed, our staff turned to doing their workouts at home, or exercising and running around their housing areas, to improve their physical and mental health. A Double Win for POPULAR! As our staff sweated it out through the three-month challenge, their hard work and effort were duly rewarded as POPULAR came in second among most active employers under the “Sapphire” category! Our prizes included a trophy and a certificate, as well as some health and fitness equipment and gadgets. To make the occasion even more joyous, one of Popular Malaysia’s staff, Lim Loi Loi, was the eighth most active employee amongst all participants from the various companies in the “Sapphire” category and won herself a trophy, a certificate, and cash vouchers to celebrate her victory. Popular Malaysia would like to congratulate all our participants in the “Activ@Work” challenge for a job well done! We hope that every member of the POPULAR family will continue to stay active through exercising as we strive to overcome the pandemic together as one! 生命在于运动,缺乏运动会致使全 将转换成积分,统计到马大众名下,可 球死亡率上升,以及引发非传染 性疾病如心血管疾病、癌症、糖尿病 等。世界各地的工作场所可以鼓励员工 增加运动量,保持身心健康,从而减少 病假缺席,提高工作效率。 因此,马来西亚人力资源部属下 的社会保险机构PERKESO举办“Activ@ Work”大挑战,并与马来西亚第一个在 线医疗保健应用程序BookDoc合作,以 累积运动量换取奖励的方式,鼓励雇主 让员工在冠病疫情期间,即使是居家办 公,也要保持身心活跃。 疫情下无阻活跃 2021年7月1日至9月30日期间,马来西 亚大众(“马大众”)人力资源部属下 的培训与开发组带领和鼓励同仁封城不 封闭,健康生活,参加挑战。参与方 法简明,同仁只需下载指定的手机应用 程序来记录日常活动即可,所有步数都 谓“每一步都算数”。 共有121名同仁参与“Activ@ Work”大挑战。当时正值行动管制令期 间,不少同仁选择此时加入,以健康的 运动方式,缓解紧张感。同仁们纷纷响 应,通过在家运动,或是到住家附近进 行户外运动和跑步,维持身心健康。 喜上加喜获双奖 经过同仁们三个月的汗水与努力,大众 在“蓝宝石”级别的最活跃雇主中,荣 登第二,获颁奖杯与证书,还有保健和 运动器具与设备。喜上加喜的是,在同 级别的所有参与者中,马大众的其中一 员林蕊蕊在最活跃雇员榜上排名第八, 赢得奖杯、证书、现金券。 马大众为所有参与“Activ@Work” 大挑战的同仁的出色表现喝彩!希望大 众大家庭的全体同仁能继续通过运动保 持活跃,一同战胜疫情! (翻译:尤美珍)  139 popularnews - 21     

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