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 column of the page post. They would then be guided to complete the registration to receive past examination papers, online course links, or gift coupons. They could even receive extra gifts by submitting their children's completed test papers to Popular Learning. Furthermore, there were free online courses and past examination papers to help the parents ensure that their children's learning could continue during the pandemic. Our online campaign was aimed at attracting parents to visit Popular Learning’s learning centres, to find out more about our services and curriculum in person. With POPULAR’s strong support, Popular Learning went a step further and organised the second "New Hong Kong School Season Festival" with World Publishing Company in September 2021. Besides past examination papers and online courses, Popular Learning also sent out various exquisite books published by World Publishing Company. While promoting reading during the pandemic, Popular Learning has made it our mission to meet our children's learning needs, while further establishing Popular Learning as a brand of quality learning. (Translated by Shawn Pang) 持续两年多的新冠疫情,打击最甚 的莫过于教育行业。日校纷纷停 课,转为网上教学;教学中心的生意更 是大受影响。“育才精英教育中心”刚 易名为“大众教室”,就要面对这一严 峻考验。 Parents redeeming their vouchers at Popular Learning Centre 家长到大众教室领取活动礼品 教育中心在疫情下的营运困境 纵使人人手机在手,家长总是倾向亲自 到教室了解教学环境、翻阅教材了解教 学内容、与老师讨论孩子课业,建立信 心后再为孩子报读课程。故行销人员会 在店面的产品展示及“POP广告”下功 夫,务求吸引店外人流进店。 然而新冠疫情令家长却步,单靠数 码营销并不足以令顾客“埋单”,到店 查询课程的家长也大大减少。大众教室 作为全新品牌,想建立良好口碑、将目 标顾客群带到大众教室实体店,就需要 采用O2O (Online To Offline) 营销模式。 香港开学祭:世界出版社 × 大众教室 所谓O2O,简言之就是“线上营销带动 线下消费”。2020年9月,大众教室举 办第一届“香港开学祭”,连续15天, 每天在大众教室的社交媒体专页送出一 款礼品。家长只需在专页帖子的回应 栏输入关键字,聊天机器人功能就会自 动引导家长完成登记并派送学科试卷、 网课链接或礼品换领券。家长将孩子 完成的试卷交回大众教室分校批改,又 可以获得额外礼品。在“疫情学期”, 免费网课及学科试卷亦能协助家长保持 孩子的学习进度。透过此活动,可以吸 引家长亲临分校,认识大众教室,以及 教室提供的“香港学制课程”,达到宣 传目的。 2021年9月,大众教室加强与集团 的紧密合作,和世界出版社联办第二 届“香港开学祭”。除了继续送出贴近 香港学制的学科试卷及网课,也送出多 套世界出版社的精美图书。在“疫情学 期”推广阅读风气之际,更贴心照顾孩 子的学习需要,进一步推广大众教室这 一教育品牌。 All the parents needed to do was respond to our post and complete the registration to receive past examination papers, online course links, or gift coupons 家长只需在专页帖子的回应栏输入关键字,聊天机器人功能就会自动引导家长完成登记,并派送学科试卷、 网课链接、礼品换领券 139 popularnews - 17 

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