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How has Popular Canada’s meaningful participation in World Vision since 2018 contributed to company growth? • A simple marketing approach from World Vision soliciting donations has turned into a long-term partnership in the education sector. • Popular Canada’s high quality, out- of-print books have meaningfully benefitted children in less advantaged circumstances. • Our corporate profile has been raised, donations have been put to good use, costs have been saved, and our efforts have been recognised through tax rebates and credits. How long will Popular Canada’s support of World Vision continue? As long as Popular Canada has its own printed educational products, we will continue to help children learn and explore the world through our partnership with World Vision. Now more than ever, charity is vital. With the ongoing pandemic, the need for assistance is even greater. Hence, we will continue supporting World Vision. Is there anything else you would like to share with readers of Popular News? World Vision is a great organisation and Popular Canada is proud of our donations. Both Popular Canada and World Vision share the belief that with access to quality education, children will become lifelong learners who can transform their communities, protect themselves against violence, and experience life in all its fullness. World Vision works with communities and local governments to address the barriers to quality education for all children. As a company that takes pride in our educational content helping children develop, Popular Canada is proud to work with World Vision. There is no greater reward than seeing a child thrive and learn from one of our published books. 2022年正值大众集团98周年庆,加拿大大众亦步入28个年头。加拿大大众成立 至今,产品除了深受当地民众欢迎,就连中国、日本、韩国、印度尼西亚、约 旦、德国、丹麦、捷克、荷兰、意大利、巴布亚新几内亚、墨西哥等地的民众, 也选用加拿大大众的教材和学习资源。 大众集团支持加拿大大众的慈善项目,本期《大众资讯》专访运营总监佐· 马斯特罗贾科莫先生,他在领导公司成长和实践社会责任等方面卓有建树。 您认为加拿大大众在现今的发展良机有 哪些? 答:加拿大大众的最佳发展机遇在于南 部边界。我们的目标,是借由姐妹公 司——美国大众,拓展美国市场。美国 的书籍和书志市场庞大,包含各种市 场渠道如霸级市场开市客、沃尔玛、塔 吉特;廉价市场如多来店、美元树;在 家教育市场,美国有400万儿童在家自 学;网上市场如亚马逊, 设有我们的电子商务系统;以及学校市 场,包括政府和私人学校。 印刷和数码媒体带来的挑战和机遇有哪 些?加拿大大众如何应对? 答:在纸上学习的诸多优点显而易见。 不过我们意识到借由印刷和数码学习同 等重要。因此,我们研发Scratch学习 产品,打造全新的数学学习线上平台, 也在自家产品加入更多二维码以辅助 学习。当然要将业务从纸上移师网上有 不少挑战,我们会着重处理以下五项 事务: 一、持续加强社交媒体的推广; 二、加强电邮推广活动,介绍产品 二维码,宣传教育产品的优质内容; 三、展开切实可行的内容推广; 四、继续加入谷歌广告和搜索引擎 优化; 五、推广加拿大大众家长会的会员 制度,提供免费教育短片、加拿大教师 的学习贴士等,举办赢奖或赠礼活动。 公司在加强儿童教育的社会责任方面如 何献力? 答:加拿大大众深信每个孩子都有学术 成长的机会。为了服务社区、履行儿童 教育的社会责任,我们的善举包括: 一、自2015年起,捐赠作业本和其 他教材给病童医院家庭中心和教育项目; 二、2018年,加入全球最大的非政 府慈善机构——世界宣明会,与贫穷国 家的孩童分享书籍和知识。截至2021年 1月,我们已捐出逾10万册出版品,总 值近百万加元; TIMELINE OF THE POPULAR CANADA - WORLD VISION CANADA PARTNERSHIP  12 - popularnews 138 World Vision reaches out to Popular Canada for product donations to support its field programmes, marking the beginning of World Vision’s partnership with Popular Canada. 世界宣明会寻求加拿大大众的产品捐赠,以支持他们的在地慈善计划, 标示着合作的起点; World Vision receives product donations shipment worth $5,000. 世界宣明会接收价值5000加元的产品捐赠; 20 19 20 18 World Vision receives two product donation shipments of $70,000 and $80,000; the 2018 and 2019 donations are shipped to Niger and Burundi. 世界宣明会接收分别价值7万加元和8万加元的产品捐赠,2018和2019年的捐 赠分别是送往尼日尔和布隆迪;  

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