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  Along with this explosion in the board games industry, independent magazine publishing has also seen a resurgence, particularly with the expanding breadth of funding and distribution channels. The production of magazines is costly, and returns can be marginal, but this has been mitigated with the possibilities afforded by platforms such as Kickstarter or Patreon, which offer more reliable sources of funding and also feedback on the demand for the product. In tabletop gaming, success stories such as Wyrd Science and NERVES build on the long tradition of magazines focusing on tabletop roleplaying games but with a more modern outlook, but Senet may be the first among magazines focusing specifically on board and card games, and it has proven to be an insightful representative of the hobby. Apart from the diversity of its content, the magazine does not shy away from difficult topics either, from the problematic theming used in several board games to matters if race and culture. Play is serious, and our critical appreciation of it should reflect this too, even as the magazine’s broader outlook remains optimistic and affirmative. In this way, Senet stands as a remarkable ambassador for the hobby. Seeking Connection Across the Table As the world grinded to a halt in 2020 and social connections were violently disrupted, the prospect of playing tabletop games evaporated as the world was ravaged by the pandemic. The ways in which we interact have changed, and yet, the yearning for human connection persists. Shortly after the initial wave of lockdowns, I leapt online and played tabletop games with a combination of various websites, the Tabletop Simulator software, and Zoom. Yet, there was still a lack, a hope to be in the same physical space, to socialise in the ways that we used to. Senet is a statement about the evolution of the tabletop gaming hobby. It is an affirmation of the viability of print publications in an age where that may not always make financial sense. Most of all, in this still socially distanced world, it is an affirmation of the human desire to seek connection and community. It is a reminder that someday soon, we will be playing regularly again, sharing a table, and laughter, and joy. Senet magazine can be purchased from their website ( Source: Senet's website 图片来源:《Senet》网站 对桌交换了几瞥目光,早前的谈 笑已远去,仅存显而易见的紧张 气息,灼烧着空气。此时,胜利悬在天 秤,王牌即将出鞘,反转15局的胜负。 诧异与兴奋、失望与喜泣,一场胜利终 于尘埃落定。 桌游在现代文化历史悠长,不仅限 于“大富翁”和“妙探寻凶”等较为人 熟知的游戏,市面上的棋盘与卡牌游戏 更是多不胜数。从“工业革命伯明翰” 等游戏的经济策略深讨,到“心灵共 感”等派对游戏的喧闹转移,再到“密 室逃脱:受诅咒的神庙”等机敏游戏的 疯狂能量,这些桌游的体验多元,例如 谋略、诡计、竞争、合作、创意锻炼、 故事叙述,以及谜题解答;这些体验的 共性,即社交。 拥有如桌游般能提供丰富体验的英 国杂志《Senet》,为读者介绍这项嗜 好与其蓬勃的发展。 严肃地玩乐 《Senet》是一份专门报道桌游资讯、 桌游社群,以及游戏设计的独立出版杂 志。至今出版至第六期,杂志因采访报 道、评论、专题和游戏创作者的幕后故 事,赢得不少读者的青睐。《Senet》 于2020年由编辑丹·佐林及美术指导詹 姆斯·汉特创办,在他们的带领下,杂 志不断壮大;从Kickstarter众筹平台起 步,每年出版三期,目前已能完全依赖 网购订单与订阅生存。 44 - popularnews 137 Source 图片来源:Instagram 与  

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