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EDITOR’S NOTE Dear POPULAR family members, In this issue of Popular News, we continue to celebrate the Hong Kong Book Fair’s triumphant return in 2021 with the second instalment of our two-part coverage on POPULAR’s participation. Read all about Kam Pui Enterprises’ efforts to bring quality reading materials to the Hong Kong Book Fair 2021 through Ichiban Publishing and World Publishing Company (p.4). The year of 2021 is also when POPULAR celebrates the 10th anniversary of the POPULAR Reader’s Choice Awards! With supporting local authors and publishers becoming more crucial in maintaining a vibrant literary scene in Singapore during the COVID-19 pandemic, read all about POPULAR’s contributions in this issue’s second Special Feature (p.9). We then join Novum Organum Publishing House on their journey in supplying tens of thousands of Chinese books to public libraries and school libraries in Singapore (p.13). Also in the news is a POPULAR customer who shared her memories of shopping for books with her family at POPULAR in a Singaporean newspaper (p.17). Let us be inspired by her story of how POP@Central, POPULAR’s flagship store in Singapore, has connected with all three generations of her family. This issue’s “Popular Personality” turns the spotlight on Lim Lai Sim, the General Manager of UrbanWrite and Roadshow. Just as the late Kobe Bryant’s work ethic led him to becoming one of the world’s best basketball players, she believes that having the right work attitude is the secret to her 26 successful years at POPULAR. Speaking to Popular News, Lai Sim reveals how keeping an open mind and persevering through new challenges at work has inspired her and her staff to give their best at work (p.27). Several other POPULAR staff have also reaped the benefits of challenging themselves to doing better in life. From embracing a sport that they did not imagine taking up previously (p.34), to adopting a healthier lifestyle (p.36), or learning about life through a hobby (p.40), three Popular Malaysia staff share their stories about how a simple decision can lead to new perspectives in life. The Editorial Team 编辑室 One family, one vision. 大众一家,众人一心 Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses. — Kobe Bryant, late American professional basketball player “伟大成就源自勤奋和坚持。无借口可言。” — 科比·布莱恩特,已故美国职业篮球员 亲爱的大众家庭成员们: 本期《大众资讯》紧接上一期的报道,继续同庆大众圆满参 与2021年香港书展。这个横跨两期的特辑,展现了金培企业 如何通过“一丁文化”及“世界出版社”,将好书带往书展 (页4)。 今年大众也迎来“大众读者票选好书奖”的10周年庆! 本期“与众不同”的第二部分(页9),我们将看到大众如 何在冠病疫情下,仍继续支持本地作者与出版商,协力维持 新加坡文坛的蓬勃朝气。 接着我们跟随诺文文化事业有限公司,一同踏上为新 加坡公共图书馆及校园图书馆供应数以万计华文图书的旅程 (页13)。同时,一名大众忠实顾客在新加坡《联合早报》 分享了这些年与家人逛大众书局的温馨回忆(页17),带领 我们回顾百胜楼旗舰店POP@Central与她家族三代的书缘。 本期“风云众人”聚焦UrbanWrite与展销部总经理林丽 婵。就如已故球星科比·布莱恩特深信,职业道德促使了 他成为世界最卓越篮球员之一;丽婵也认为,正确的工作态 度是她在大众服务26个年头的秘诀。她也向《大众资讯》分 享,保持开放心态与坚毅应对新挑战,可以推动她与同仁全 力以赴(页27)。 大众同仁在疫情期间挑战自我,致力于优化生活, 其中三名马来西亚大众同仁即分享了他们的故事:尝试 一项未曾想过的运动(页34)、体验更健康的生活方式 (页36),以及借由嗜好理解人生(页40),一起看看一 个简单的决定,如何开启人生新视角。  Head office: POPULAR HOLDINGS LIMITED, 15 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore 554360. Homepage:  

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