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 Lai Sim is a firm believer that the combination of the two retail channels will bring POPULAR closer to meeting the needs of our customers, regardless of their shopping preferences. “Both physical stores and online retail are equally important to POPULAR,” she says. “Our online presence is the perfect complement to our retail business as it brings added convenience to customers who choose to do their shopping online.” For Lai Sim, keeping an open mind and persevering when taking on new challenges has given her a strong sense of job satisfaction. While strict and meticulous at work, her constant emphasis on adopting the right work attitude has not fallen on deaf ears. Lai Sim recalls being approached by a POPULAR Sungei Wang Plaza outlet staff, who was known to have a poor work attitude, for permission to stay back after the store had closed to finish touching up the in-store campaign for the next day. However, she is quick to attribute the amazing sales growth of the POPULAR Sungei Wang Plaza outlet to her team’s team spirit. Popular News wishes Lai Sim many more fruitful years ahead with POPULAR! 林丽婵是UrbanWrite及展销部总经 无法像西马门市般按月添货。丽婵迅即  理。她于1995年5月初加入马来 西亚大众,在吉隆坡金河广场门市担任 助理经理,直属上司为马来西亚大众执 行董事林利娥女士。知名的金河广场是 吉隆坡重要的购物及旅游景点,周围环 绕着马来西亚的著名地标双峰塔和吉隆 坡会议中心。 调任东马:克服物流挑战 在丽婵出色的领导下,金河广场门市的 销售额取得双位数的增长,而她也在同 年11月擢升为零售经理。1996年11月, 马来西亚大众计划将零售业务扩展到东 马,于是丽婵接下了筹办砂拉越州美里 首家门市的重任。美里是砂拉越第二大 城市,拥有数个联合国教科文组织遗址 的旅游景点。 然而,成功非坦途,丽婵在物流方 面遇到巨大挑战——所有货物必须由西 马海运至东马,而西马与东马美里之间 的远距意味着,供应商仅能季度补货, 与林女士及多位商品经理合作,在美里 门市开幕前补齐书籍。经过该次挑战, 丽婵与团队决定按月计划采购,而非依 赖供应商的季度访店,以良好的库存作 业维持美里门市的营业增长。 初掌文仪:潜心工作学习 待美里门市业绩稳定后,丽婵被调回西 马,并于1997年10月升任战略业务部 (运营)经理,管理一组马来西亚大众 的门市。尽管当时的丽婵尚无管理文 具礼品的经验,她却下决心在工作中 学习。她无疑是一位速学者,很快地于 1998年1月被委为战略业务部(文具商 品)经理,并在2000年7月升职为文具 商品经理。 然而,丽婵于大众的前半部故事在 2008年戛然而止——她为了家族生意而 递交辞呈。虽然人生轨迹转变,但她仍 心系大众,隔年8月重回大众,出任中 国广州大众的高级商品经理。 136 popularnews - 29 

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