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 confidence in life. Its most recent research collaboration with Yale University on the impact of literacy on a child’s overall health and well-being concluded that stories can help to channel the children’s stress and encourage them to reflect on the lessons learnt from the books. Scholastic believes that helping children gain knowledge through a variety of forms will make them excited to learn more. This is exemplified by Scholastic’s Weston Woods Studio, which specialises in converting books into videos. The company has also worked with Netflix to produce the new Magic School Bus series, letting children watch the stories they have read in books come alive online. Read to Learn and Grow The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruptions to Scholastic’s operations. The closure of schools across the globe was especially challenging as much of their business involves interactions with people, be it representatives or teachers from schools, or children through the distribution of their books via the Scholastic Book Clubs and various book fairs. With many children forced to stay home, Scholastic needed to find a new way to support both educators and parents in enabling their children to continue learning at home. Hence, Scholastic opened up all of their digital resources to teachers and parents around the world. Their response was met with overwhelming reception, with the “Scholastic Learn at Home” hub having attracted over 80 million page views worldwide. Together with Yale University, Scholastic has also released First Aid for Feelings: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic for free globally. Scholastic’s response to the challenges brought about by the pandemic has been such a great success that a teacher once wrote to them: “Scholastic, as we go back to school this year, we need you more than ever.” Little reminders like these make Scholastic even more determined to continue making a difference in the lives of teachers, families, and schools through this difficult period. Indeed, as Scholastic celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2020, their unwavering belief that reading is a critical part of the children's learning and growth continues to be the backbone of their endeavours. Scholastic’s approach to promoting reading to children through working with educators, parents, and schools has enabled many children to have access to quality reading materials, as well as the opportunity to discover the pleasure of reading. Their objective is something that POPULAR holds dear as our founder, Mr Chou Sing Chu, dedicated his entire life to doing the same in this region. Kudos to Scholastic, what an amazing century’s worth of success! 学乐教育集团(下称“学乐”)是 全球英语学习市场的佼佼者。它 除了是世界最大的童书创作与分销商, 也是读写课程、专业服务、课堂杂志及 儿童教育媒介制作的领头供应商。 学乐为幼儿园与小学英语教师制订 了结合印刷版与科技的学习课程,此外 也把价廉物美的书籍外销全球165个地 区,让孩子们能通过学校的图书俱乐部 及书展、学校与公众图书馆,以及店铺 与线上购物平台购书。学乐的宗旨是让 孩童掌握必要的学习工具与技能,创造 未来,并共塑世界。 阅读改变人生 学乐是由莫里斯·R·罗宾逊在1920年于 其家乡美国宾夕法尼亚州的威尔金斯 堡创立;同年的10月22日,学乐出版 了首个刊物《The Western Pennsylvania Scholastic》课堂杂志。当时罗宾逊意 识到高中生除了课本以外,缺乏趣味读 物,于是萌起出版课堂杂志的想法。为 此他约见了一群宾夕法尼亚州西部的校 长,并提议出版体育杂志。学乐随后也  136 popularnews - 25 

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