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 origins of the friendship between the three of them: They had met at the second edition of the Golden Lion Award (1984-1985) because of their work. That year, Teoh’s work placed first in the Novel category, while Low’s won the Recommendation Award in the Reportage category, and Soon received the Recommendation Award in the Novel category. The three of them even discussed the once much talked- about Singapore International Chinese Literature Camp, as well as famous literary masters. Compared to its halcyon days, the prospects of the development of Singapore Chinese literature are currently murky. But outside of the mists, there may still be a ray 全球冠病疫情反复,犹如风云骤变 的天气,一时阳光普照,转眼又 乌云密布。然而阳光总在风雨后,2021 年5月初的一个周末午后,把我带入久 违的新加坡国家图书馆的,是一道特别 耀眼的彩虹——本地三位才华横溢的女 作家张曦娜、刘培芳和孙爱玲的新书发 布会。 of light. As Soon describes, in the age of the pandemic, it is a blessing to still be able to see the sky. Following the path traced by her words and sentiments, I found myself traversing mountains and rivers that would otherwise be out of reach, arriving at the place I wanted to be in my heart. With the three books in hand, I read them all in one go, and it was as though I had been brought through an entire era. In the year of the pandemic, when everything has been sluggish, the sincerity contained in these three books added warmth and light to the gloomy skies. (Translated by Daryl Li ) 三位好友相识于微时,从文友发展 成多年好友。此次相约出书,原来是在 闲聊中的突发奇想,一拍即合。相知相 识多年,文化积累深厚,三人总有许多 共同的文学与人生记忆。她们可以随时 开启一段说走就走的文字旅行,再创一 段共同回忆,最终成就一人一本新书, 并在疫情笼罩下如期出版,再写文坛 佳话。 新书发布会宛若三位好友的茶话 会,她们心意相通,相处自然,互相点 评各自的作品,信手拈来,言语生动, 带领出席的书友感受她们的生活与创作 点滴,气氛温馨。 The three authors with Goh Beng Choo, wife and work partner of renowned Singaporean writer, the late Yeng Pway Ngon 三位女作家和已故新加坡知名作家英培安的夫人 及工作伙伴吴明珠 张曦娜:《如是我纪》 张曦娜是新加坡知名作家,获奖无数。 她是新加坡《联合早报》副刊执行级记 者、专栏作家,也是此次三人出书的发 起人。 曦娜的专栏取材广泛,立意独特, 内容翔实,生活气息处处。她对人文领 域的思考与细腻的文字,每每读来总让 人一再回味、一再反思。新出版的《如 是我纪》将她43篇专栏文章再梳理、编 辑与部分重写,书名的“纪”是记录, 亦是记忆;而全书也以“纪”字贯穿 分章,分别为“纪趣”、“浮想纪”、 “纪述”和“纪行”。 曦娜认为,记忆是不可靠的,写作 的好处是把原本可能会丢失的东西,通 过文字留存下来,而此书的意义即是留 住记忆。她分享道,当把所有文章排列 出来,看到的一书一画,一花一世界, 皆是她的回忆与生活片段。 我读着<轩尼诗道上>一文,心跳 似乎漏了一拍。首段文字犹如王家卫电 影慢速放映:“在市景新旧交融的轩 尼诗道上走着”的画面;“偶尔会听到 ‘叮叮’声由远而近”的声响;“然后 是有轨电车缓缓从身边驶过。在旅人如 我看来,这古老的有轨电车,还真是轩 尼诗道上一道特殊的风景”的相遇。香 港的湾仔和轩尼诗道是我工作了四年多 的地方,散文里提到我熟悉的檀岛茶餐 厅、骆克道、谢斐道、告士打道、香港 会议展览中心等地点,勾起我的记忆, 将我散落在脑后的回忆碎片,如万花筒 般集合了起来。      Electric trams in Hong Kong 香港电车轨道 44 - popularnews 135 Teoh Hee La 张曦娜 

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