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media in an instant. It is not unusual to see many queuing up for half an hour just to buy an egg tart, or travel the distance of at least six MTR stations for a pineapple bun that sports a one-centimetre slice of butter. To many, savouring the baker’s craftsmanship is a way of appreciating life. How Much Do You Know About Bread? Every bread is the story of the baker, as the taste in everyone's memories is kneaded through the baker’s hands. I wonder what these traditional breads will mean to us in 10 or 20 years. Some new terms have appeared in recent years, like "raw toast" and "sourdough bread", that may sound confusing to some people. Why spend HK$50 just for a loaf of white bread? Is sourdough bread really sour? How many people can accept bread that tastes sour? Let me share the stories of seven special breads with everyone. ( Translated by Shawn Pang) 小时候,最简单的早餐是吃个面 子的出色,瞬间就会传遍社交媒体。人 包,喝杯牛奶就上学去。记忆 中的菠萝包一个不超过两三元;时至今 日,随着不少面包店以连锁模式经营, 由中央工厂大量制作,一个面包动辄10 多元,质量却变得“轻盈”,一个面包 绝对吃不饱。 面包师傅真功夫 今时今日,份量十足的传统港式面包更 显弥足珍贵。面包师傅一般在凌晨三时 就开始准备,开始称量材料打面团,面 团打好等待发酵之时,正好之前的一盘 完成发酵,可立即制作造型,准备入 炉;之后又称量材料打面团......无间断 地制作面包。不少小店只有一位面包师 傅,整个面包的制作过程都需要师傅亲 力亲为。 面包师傅的工作辛劳,工资不高, 因此流动性很大。 面包能体现面包师傅的风格,尤其 可从面团的风味质感,以及造型细节品 出一二。每当有小店的产品做得比大牌 们蜂拥而至,可以为了一个蛋挞排上半 个小时,为了一个菠萝油(菠萝包夹上 一块一厘米厚的牛油)不惜舟车劳顿, 乘搭至少六个地铁站而来。 品尝师傅的优质手艺,细意欣赏 其面包艺术,这即是品味生活的一种 方式。 新派面包知多少? 一个面包,一个故事,面包师傅以双 手揉出大家的味觉回忆。不知10年、 20年后,大家心目中的经典面包又会是 什么? 近年出现一些新鲜的面包用语, 如“生吐司”、“酸种面包”......听得 人一头雾水。究竟是什么原因能驱使人 们掏出50元,就为了一条白面包?还有 酸种面包,名字听来奇怪,它真带酸味 吗?又有多少人能接受酸味面包? 今天与大家一起品尝七大特色面包 与它们的故事。  Raw Toast Derived from the Japanese term "生食 パン", which means bread with a smooth taste made by adding fresh cream and frozen chocolate. If you have bought souvenirs at a Japanese airport before, you may have noticed that "raw toast" refers to toast with a fluffy texture and rich flavour that does not dry out even if you eat it the next day. Raw toast is made with top-quality wheat flour, fresh cream and fresh milk. 生吐司 “生吐司”源于日文“生食パン”,当 中的“生”字来自“生巧克力”,即加 入鲜奶油与入口即溶的冷冻巧克力制 作,口感润滑。若您在日本机场买过手 信,就可能注意到“生吐司”指的是入 口松化、口感湿润绵密,即使隔天才吃 也不会变干的高品质吐司。生吐司选材 讲究,仅以顶级小麦粉、鲜奶油与鲜奶 来制作。 Sourdough Bread 酸种面包 Featuring a slightly sour taste, sourdough is traditionally made using a starter made of natural yeast, flour, and water, and must be fed regularly with wheat flour and water. The dough is kneaded and allowed to rest between 22°C to 26°C before baking. This elaborate process produces a thick and chewy crust. Sourdough represents craftsmanship, and is beneficial to the human body with its lower glycaemic index 指数较低,所含的乳酸菌更高,对人体 and high lactic acid. 有益。 “酸种面包”带有淡淡酸味,以古老手 工技术制成。首先利用天然酵母、面粉 和水培养面种,期间需以小麦粉和水喂 养。面种完成后,以人手揉好面团,而 面团需在摄氏22至26度下静置一周才能 烘焙。如此讲究工序的酸种面包,皮厚 带嚼劲,风味独特,大家吃的不仅是面 包,更是工艺。此外,酸种面包的升糖 135 popularnews - 39   

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