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    12 persistence, a journey that began when I laid eyes on a Viper Red Cannondale years ago. Indeed, my limited-edition bike is better than the original classic in many ways as the new frameset features a frame made from the modern high-modulus carbon composite monocoque construction. It also features a single-legged suspension fork known as the Lefty Ocho Fork that sports the original Viper Red Cannondale colour. Overall, this combination is only the third example of a colour-matched Cannondale single-legged fork frameset since 1999! The artwork on the frame is also unique. Not only does it feature the original Cannondale head badge logo used in the 1980s, it also proudly showcases the exclusive downtube vertical logo featured only on the bikes used by Cannondale’s official racing team. The latter logo has not been replicated on any production models available for retail hitherto. Turning a Dream into Reality On 31 March 2021, I finally became the proud owner of my completed Viper Red Cannondale F-Si bicycle. Fitted with high- end components specially imported from renowned manufacturers worldwide, it took me four months of toil to put my bike together. Weighing at just 9.2 kilogrammes, my 29-inch cross-country mountain bike is still considered to be reasonably light with the various heavy-duty components for durability and performance. You must be wondering why I am fitting heavy-duty components on a bike that is essentially a cross-country racing model. Unlike the owners of the other 128 bikes produced, who would most likely restrict their usage to pathways to preserve its value to potential collectors, I have already embarked on countless cycling adventures with it and have thoroughly enjoyed the ease in ploughing through challenging terrains, the result of the Cannondale’s racing pedigree. However, it is not just about having fun. Safety and reliability are also my key concerns when I am riding. I have been asked why I did not reduce the weight of my mountain bike further with a rear carbon composite wheels. Modern carbon composites are undeniably stiffer, stronger and lighter than traditional building materials such as aluminium or steel, but considering that the rear bicycle wheel would carry most of the rider’s weight, the chances of it suffering from pinch flats and rim failures are much higher. I am not sure whether the brittle carbon composite material will survive a direct impact against a hard surface as well as an aluminium wheel. I am glad that my dream bike has given me hours of enjoyment after a journey that took me years to complete. The time and effort that I have put into it have made me appreciate what I have achieved so much more. To all my fellow members of the POPULAR family, let us all work hard towards turning our dreams into reality! 对1990年代越野脚踏车风潮仍有印 象的人们,肯定能即刻认出“佳 能戴尔”这个铝制获奖脚踏车的先驱品 牌。 这些标志性的脚踏车是如此珍贵, 至今仍有许多佳能戴尔的铁杆车迷愿意 高价购买一辆30岁的标本车。最令人趋 之若鹜的是自1990年代中期以来,在无 数奥运越野脚踏车赛中称霸的Viper Red 型号,其以车身颜色得名,而同样红色 系也有于1990年代初美国发行的第一代 Dodge Viper肌肉车。 佳能戴尔Viper Red因其创意突破与 高端价格,曾被誉为“脚踏车界的法拉 利”。然而许多人同我一样认为,著名 法拉利四轮跑车上的招牌“竞速红”, 与佳能戴尔Viper Red那让人体肾上腺素 上升的猩红色相比,略显失色。 经典重现 随着顾客对越野脚踏车的喜好趋向于 更低调的色系,佳能戴尔Viper Red最终 在 1 9 9 0 年 代 末 停 产 了。然 而 ,佳 能 戴 尔 在 2019年以两种传统红与蓝色系(Viper Red与Team Blue),推出了限量版的脚 踏车车架。仅生产一次的129辆脚踏车 车架的消息一公布,全世界的佳能戴尔 粉丝兴奋不已。 要得到佳能戴尔此罕见的新品,意 味着必须付出许多努力与资源。我的毅 力支撑我到2020年的最后一季,终于入 手了梦寐以求的Viper Red越野脚踏车车 36 - popularnews 135 

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