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 Simple Games Full of Fun Mobile phones were not ubiquitous when I was young. Children often played Tetris on handheld devices instead, putting together seven types of tetraminoes in this game of wits. I wanted my nieces to experience the joys of my childhood but did not want to do so through the use of a computer. Hence, I created a Tetris game device with them by hand. First, we used clean discarded cardboard boxes and cut them into a suitable size to construct the “machine”. The remaining cardboard was cut into the various tetraminoes. Thereafter, my nieces used round stickers to decorate all the parts to their liking. With this complete, we could begin our game. Randomly, a square tetramino was placed into this analogue device, and the children began to consider how best to place the piece. This homemade Tetris device allowed them to focus for long periods of time on the game. Watching them think carefully and the joy in their faces as when they were praised for placing pieces correctly, I felt that living at home can also be satisfying and should be cherished. Even if the wait for the end of lockdown is long, we can appreciate the simple joys of living with our family with a little ingenuity. (Translated by Daryl Li) 疫情肆虐,台湾在2021年5月中进 想让小侄女体验我的童年乐趣,但又不 入第三级警戒,学校改为居家 上课,大多人也居家上班,以减少人与 人之间的接触,防堵疫情扩散。然而, 长时间居家生活,似乎令人感到乏味郁 闷。 一天24小时,居家上班、上课都用 电脑;无聊时,看电视、拿手机追剧、 玩游戏等成了首选。虽然长时间在家, 但面对3C产品的时间竟比家人来的多。 因此,该如何充实这样的生活形态, 成了我居家生活的第一个课题。 我家的侄女们年纪小,还不懂得疫 情的可怕,但多少了解大人们的担忧, 在这段时间从未主动要求出门玩耍。而 大人们除了心疼孩子整天关在家里,也 能体谅她们每天喊着无聊、在家中捣乱 的行为,毕竟这是她们第一次长时间足 不出户。不过,为了不让她们沉溺在玩 电脑、手机,以及在家捣蛋,大人们可 花了不少心思与她们互动,其中她们还 蛮喜欢的活动就是制作俄罗斯方块游戏 机。 简单游戏 欢乐十足 我小时候手机还没普及,小朋友之间很 常玩的小型游戏机就是俄罗斯方块,这 是由七种四格骨牌构成的益智游戏。我 想通过电脑让她们玩,于是就带领她们 手作一台俄罗斯方块游戏机。 首选,我们利用废弃的干净纸箱, 裁剪成适合用作机台的大小,剩余的 纸板则剪成各种四格骨牌。之后,侄女 们用圆形贴纸按自己喜好装饰骨牌和机 台。等机台和骨牌都制作好后,就可以 开始游戏了。 随机放入一个四格骨牌,当小朋友 拿到骨牌时,得开始思考如何摆放。这 台自制俄罗斯方块游戏机让能她们长时 间专注玩乐。每当看着她们用心思考, 以及摆放正确后得到家人赞许的快乐, 就觉得如此的居家生活,令人满足,叫 人珍惜。虽然等待解封的时间很漫长, 但只要花些小心思,与家人的简单共 处,也很幸福珍贵。      34 - popularnews 135 

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