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   International Women’s Day, which falls on 8 March every year, celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women globally. For Popular Malaysia, International Women’s Day is when female members of the POPULAR family are recognised for their hard work and dedication. Popular Malaysia’s Human Resources Department prepared a special treat for all our female staff at our headquarters with a beautiful gift pack filled with chocolate and candy treats. A pink tag was also attached to each pack, symbolising the important contributions of these wonderful women in POPULAR. A Heart-Warming Gesture This simple gesture of the organiser was met with much delight and surprise from the recipients. This gift pack may not seem much to some, but this heart-warming token is an appreciated gesture by their peers for the hard work and efforts of the many female staff, who have to balance both their families and their career in this challenging world. Though strict restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia meant that we could not expand this initiative to all female staff in Popular Malaysia, we look forward to that possibility when our lives can finally go back to normal. Popular Malaysia salutes all the superwomen out there! Every one of you is amazing and inspirational! 每年3月8日是国际妇女节,纪念 妇女在社会、经济、文化,以 及政治领域的贡献。在马来西亚大众 (简称“马大众”)辛勤付出的女性同 仁,也在这天获得肯定。马大众人力资 源部准备了精美别致的礼包,送给在总 部工作的女性同仁。礼包里除了有巧克 力与糖果,还附上一张粉红小卡,寓意 她们对大众的重要贡献。 暖心小礼:致敬女性同仁 所谓“礼轻情意重”,这个简单举动 让收到礼包的女性同仁们惊喜不已。这 是大伙儿肯定投入工作的女性同仁的 方式,尤其她们还得在充满挑战的世界 里,平衡家庭与事业。尽管冠病疫情限 制了我们将这份祝福送给每一名马大众 的女性同仁,但我们仍期待生活回归正 常之日,能与大家同庆。 在此,马大众向所有超级女性致 敬:您们是如此了不起又鼓舞人心的 存在! (翻译:尤美珍) A Day of Appreciation 感恩的一天 Popular Malaysia celebrated the contributions of their female staff on International Women’s Day with a heart-warming surprise. 马来西亚大众在国际妇女节当天,以一份温馨惊喜肯定女性同仁的贡献。 By Perrin Liaw Chai Wui (Malaysia) 文:廖采薇(马来西亚)  135 popularnews - 15 

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