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  The irresistible seafood barbeque at dusk Escaping from the hustle and bustle of city life, I felt recharged by the warm hospitality extended to me during my stay. While having authentic local cuisine for my breakfast, I was mesmerised by the sound of the waves and the lively chirping of the birds. After getting a suntan in the afternoon, a fresh seafood barbeque against the setting sun awaited me. My evening came to a leisurely end with some stargazing on the beach under the clear night sky. I felt so blessed to have the opportunity to experience these awesome moments. 令人难以抗拒的傍晚海鲜烧烤 酒店的盛情服务让我宾至如 归,远离城市的喧嚣。早晨, 我一边享用道地美食,一边陶 醉在涛声与鸟鸣的协奏曲。在 下午享受一场日光浴后,夕阳 西下,丰盛的海鲜烧烤正等待 着我。夜空清澈,躺在沙滩上 仰望繁星,正好为缤纷的夜晚画 上完满的句点。有幸体验如此美 好的时光,真是非常感恩。  Batu Luang – the rock that ate the bride Batu Luang is a rocky seaside located 2.6 kilometres from the Naga Puri Beach Retreat. Legend has it that a newly-wed couple took shelter in a cave here when they were caught in a sudden heavy rainstorm. The cave collapsed on the bride as she was making her way out after the storm had passed, trapping her in the cave forever. This sad tale added a tinge of melancholy to the sheer beauty in front of me. 巴都璐安 —— 镇压新娘的石头 巴都璐安是一处布满石堆的海滩,距离 纳加普里海滩休闲酒店约2.6公里。传 说一对新婚夫妇因一场突如其来的暴风 雨而躲进洞里。奈何就在雨过天晴、 新娘正打算离开之时,石洞却不巧坍塌 了,将她永远困在洞里。美景当前, 这则悲伤的故事使我平添几许淡淡的 哀愁。   The giant gate at Batu Luang Batu Luang is an ideal location for capturing spectacular images during dusk. Resembling a gigantic gate, the hills on the either sides of Batu Luang were painted red by the setting sun – an absolutely spellbinding sunset! 巴都璐安的巨型石门 黄昏时分的巴都璐安是绝佳的 取景点。四周的山峦犹如巨 型石门,被落日余晖晕染成 红,映衬着远处的夕阳, 让人心醉! (翻译:潘家福)  38 - popularnews 131 

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