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       By Eva Wang (Taiwan) 文:王淑真(台湾)     Eva Wang’s 10 colourful years in POPULAR has brought her the warmth of a family. 悠悠10年,王淑真在台湾大众感受到家人般的美好, 度过了彩虹般的职场岁月。 The anxiety I felt when I first joined POPULAR as a contract staff was long gone, and so was the office that I started working in. Though it has been 3,650 days since then, this passage of time holds immense meaning for me. It was during this period that POPULAR felt the onslaught of the digital revolution, and witnessed the exciting Chinese cultural revival in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, which unfolded in unique ways in each location. How will the decade of 2010-2020 be remembered? Perhaps, it will be known as the “golden era”. But I think that a “rainbow” would be more appropriate. After all, the rainbow showcases all the world’s colours. Couldn’t the same be said about the past decade? Malaysia is changing with every passing day, Singapore continues its booming development, Hong Kong is witnessing a decline in fortunes, Taiwan is still looking for its place in the world, and Mainland China has never stopped working hard for its success. All these challenges have appeared in the course of my work. Every member of the POPULAR family is sincere and dependable. We may not get to see one another every day, but I can feel the warmth of the POPULAR family through every contact or email at work. Hello to my POPULAR family! (Translated by Shawn Pang) 记得刚进公司的时候是个约聘雇 人员,忐忑的心一眨眼过去了, 原来的办公室地点也更换了。这3650个 日升日落虽匆匆,却也隽永。 在这段日子里,我们处在数位冲击 最强烈的顶点上,看着中华文化复兴, 两岸四地(马来西亚、新加坡、香港、 台湾)无不是最精彩的所在,而每一处 又各有不可取代的特色。  2010至2020年,将来的史家会怎么 记录这10年?人人都说“黄金十年”, 这10年又怎么只是“黄金”可以形容 的。也许“彩虹”更贴切吧,彩虹有天 地间一切颜色,这10年何尝不是呢? 马来西亚日新月异、新加坡蓬勃发 展、香港荣景渐微、台湾转来转去、中 国大陆不断努力,好多好多挑战都出现 在我的工作里。 每个大众家族成员都真诚、可靠, 我们或许不是每天相见,但是一次次工 作上的接触,一封封电邮的往返,总是 让人感受到家人般的美好。 “大众家人”,你好!  还  131 popularnews - 31 

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