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 work closely with the IT department. The“从实践中学习”的理念,恰如 程序正在转型,不再使用身份证号码注
project was new for everyone on the team, and it gave me the opportunity to hone my time management and leadership skills.
Beyond Work
一座桥梁,让我从新加坡管理 大学毕业生顺利过渡为职场新鲜人。过 去一年里,我在工作上遇到种种挑战, 使我对“学以致用”的课堂理论另有所 悟。我曾深信,课堂所学的理论必能用 于实际工作;但一年后,我全然改观: 工作任务繁琐,需大量跨部门知识,以 及深入认识各部门的运作,而非纸上
摸索前进 成长良机
身处在如此快节奏的工作环境里,我在 准备和举办大众会员的招募活动中,通 过亲身实践获得了宝贵的学习经验。有 好些日子,我们忙得不可开交,需赶在 活动期限前完成工作。这时候,我们 倍感压力,甚至需要加班才得以顺利交 差。这让我联想到大学生活,那些熬夜 苦读、参与小组讨论的磨人时光。工作 虽然辛苦,却提供了大量学习的机会, 丰富了我的知识,开拓视野,让我更有 信心地迎接未来的挑战。
迄今,我负责过最大宗的项目是处 理会员的申请流程。当时整个会员申请
册;而我主要负责规划与协调的工作, 为应付各种提升机制与突发状况,果断 应变,并时时与资讯科技部紧密合作。 对整个团队而言,这是一个崭新项目, 提供成长良机,让我加强时间管理,并 发展领导才能。
超越职场 转益多师
除了工作上的职责,我连续两年(2018 年和2019年)获选为“长期服务奖颁奖 典礼”的司仪,并参与表演,深感荣 幸。感谢资深同仁承让,让我这名大众 家族的新成员,得以登上如此重要的舞 台,获得无比珍贵的经验。我不但对大 众的历史与发展有了更深入的了解,也 有幸与经验丰富的同事一起合作,转益 多师。
岁月不居,时节如流,转眼间我 已加入大众超过一年,这让我更珍惜在 大众工作的时光。我立志充实度过每一 天,只有说到做到,才不会迷迷糊糊过 日子。
Apart from work, I was also given the honour of emceeing and performing at the Long Service Award Ceremony in 2018, and again in 2019. Being relatively new to the POPULAR family, I thought someone more senior would be more appropriate, given the significance of the event. However, accepting this opportunity turned out to be one of my most valuable experiences in POPULAR. Not only did I get to familiarise myself with POPULAR’s history and how it become a major player in the retail scene, I also had the opportunity to work alongside the admirable people who had many more years of experience in POPULAR.
It has been more than a year since I joined POPULAR, and I have come to cherish my time more, given how quickly the past year has flown by. I aspire to spend my time doing something fruitful with each of my days, so that they will not go by in a blur.
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