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trudging through the misery brought about by the pandemic. He said that every character in his comic personifies various social issues and popular internet trends. Towards the Path of Animation A true Malaysian at heart, Ernest hopes that his readers will also support the rest of the local cartoonists as they continue to support his work. “I sincerely hope that the artists of Malaysia can receive ample opportunity to display their talents in international circles,” Ernest says. “Perhaps one day, Malaysian artists can stand on equal footing as those from America and Japan.” (Translated by Nur Aqilah Binti Hashim) 以《老兄,别那样啦》出道和走红 的黄代琛,对马来西亚漫画迷而 言可说是家喻户晓的名字。五岁即开始 作画的他,成长于马六甲,2010年开始 将创作热情化为专业营生。 《老兄,别那样啦》:表达铁杆兄弟情 漫画书《老兄,别那样啦》在黄代琛经 营的脸书专页“@dontlikethatbro”备 受广大网民的欢迎。这部漫画的灵感来 自他与好友们的相处,他想以随性逗趣 的漫画表达有如手足般的友情。“我以 日常语言,让读者产生共鸣”,毕业自 大众传播系的黄代琛述道,“我的漫画 可以娱乐任何人”。 《Covidball Z》:刻画疫情博君笑 当冠病侵袭马来西亚后,黄代琛萌生创 作《Covidball Z》的念头:“我见到很 多人,包括前线人员,因为疫情而倍感 压力;因此,我尝试以动漫的形式呈现 疫情社会,起初只是一集,后来衍伸至 一个系列。”       Ernest Ng Trivia Full Name: Ernest Ng Thye Sern Penname: Ernest Ng Date of Birth: 9 November 1986 Place of Birth: Malacca Education: Bachelor in Communication and Media Studies FB / IG: @dontlikethatbro List of Works: Bro Don’t Like That La Bro, Back To School, Covidball Z 44 - popularnews 133  

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