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   Chester posted a very creative photograph: the seven staff within had one letter each on their respective face masks to spell out “POPULAR”! Indeed, the responsibility of wearing a face mask during this pandemic can also be fun. Even though our faces are covered by our face masks, we will continue to provide the best service to our customers, for as our slogan goes: "We Smile, We Greet, We Serve!" A Showcase of the “POPULAR Spirit” Weweregladtoseetheactiveparticipation of many Popular Malaysia staff. There was a post by an Area Manager, and another by a Senior Retail Manager! It was really heartening to witness the support from the staff of all levels coming together to showcase their “POPULAR Spirit”. Through this contest, all of us at Popular Malaysia have realised that together, we will brave the storm through this difficult period as one united POPULAR family! To all members of the POPULAR family, stay safe and stay strong! 时下流行的Instagram既是社交媒 体平台,也是不少人在冠病疫情 行动管制令下与亲友保持联系的渠道。 在Instagram上传照片简单,一张照片 更胜千言万语。马来西亚大众(“马 大众”)看准此社媒的影响力,举办了 Instagram大赛,提升马大众的社媒曝 光率,促进同事情谊。 创意传送正能量 充满乐趣且能赢取酷炫奖品的比赛,谁 不爱?马大众为此举办“大众蒙面英 雄2020”Instagram大赛,同仁们只需在 Instagram上传戴着口罩上班的照片并标 注“#POPULARMALAYSIAmaskedheroes2020” 即可参赛。无论是居家办公,或在公 司、门市等任何部门工作的个人或团体 自拍照,皆能参赛,而赞数最多与贴文 最佳的作品即为赢家! 我们祝贺来自槟城葛尼广场大众门 市的朱允泰,以1917个赞数与优美贴文 脱颖而出!他的参赛照片与贴文,紧扣 马大众的标语“我们欢迎,我们微笑, 我们服务”: “我们欢迎:散发满满正能量; 我们微笑:风雨同舟携手行; 我们服务:知识盛宴招待您。” “大众精神”振人心 不同岗位的马大众同仁积极参与,包括 区域经理、高级零售经理等同仁皆上传 照片参赛,充分展示“大众精神”,振 奋人心,温暖无比。 通过本次比赛,马大众所有同仁皆 意识到:只要团结一心,必能挺过疫 情。祝愿大众大家庭的每一位成员,平 安健康,坚毅前行! (翻译:郭颖轩)      24 - popularnews 133 

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