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 The annual retailers conference in Beijing is the most important business event for companies working in China’s preschool education industry in China. Led by Han Liang in 2019, Popular Beijing’s preschool team took part in our first major distributor conference in close to five years. This conference was the ideal occasion for POPULAR to introduce our preschool brands, products and marketing strategy to over 100 retailers, while providing us with the opportunity to further strengthen their confidence in POPULAR’s preschool education products. Due to restrictions during the pandemic, a physical retailers conference could not be held in 2020. Hence, Popular Beijing held a live broadcast launch of three new projects for our distribution partners and the preschool principals. Sporting the model presentation of our “Training Camp for School” and the “live” exhibition area in thebackground,PopularBeijingannounced our market strategy for the new school year during our broadcast. The direct online interactions, along with the immersive visuals, proved effective in ensuring all the information was delivered as planned. This online conference also assuaged the anxieties of the various retailers caused by the pandemic, and enhanced their loyalty to POPULAR brands to pave the way for our successful promotions in the new semester. Embracing a New Age with Innovation In the past two years, the Chinese government has issued a series of guidelines and policies calling for a scientific approach to preparing for the start of school. Turning challenges into opportunity, Popular Beijing’s preschool team worked with Beijing Normal University’s Associate Professor Qian Zhiliang in 2019 to launch a series of talks on this very topic at preschools across the country. The tour spanned 29 cities, with every talk seeing a full house, and reached over 6,000 preschools. Moreover, nearly 500 preschools took part in the “Training Camp for School”, further enhancing brand awareness and credibility in the massive preschool education market, and improving our sales performance. In 2020, responding to the pandemic as well as changes in preschool education in China, Popular Beijing’s two online events – “Connecting Preschool and Primary School Education – Safeguarding Student Enrolment During the Pandemic” and “Preparing for the Start of School”. The response to these events was enthusiastic, attracting 150,000 principals and teachers, as well as 400,000 parents. Additionally, Popular Beijing continues to focus on the comprehensive ability and literacy education of the children as a starting point, providing new directions for the operation and development of preschools in this age of low margins to empower preschools to achieve sustainable development. With Popular Beijing’s dedication to serving the needs of preschools, along with our high-quality range of products, flexible market strategy, and comprehensive service, we will keep striving in our efforts to cultivate the next generation and to reach new heights in preschool education! (Translated by Daryl Li ) 2020年是特殊的一年,对中国幼教人 员而言,更是充满焦虑的一年。除 了幼儿园受疫情影响面临诸多未知数, 中国幼教领域也因国家政策而出现巨 变:未来90%幼儿园将会是普惠园。 普惠的本质是限价后的教育公平, 而幼儿园即进入微利时代。面对市场变 化,北京大众幼教总经理韩亮带领团队 “拥抱变化,直面挑战,躬身入局”。 迅速打造新线上产品 为防止冠病疫情蔓延校园,官方于2020 年1月29日宣布春季学期延期开学,同 时也要求各地方教育部门做好“停课 不停学”的相关工作。为此,当时仍在 放假的公司管理层和市场部同事即刻筹 备,四天之后应急上线推出为期两个 月的“小班宝贝入园热身第一课”和 “中大班线上助学服务计划”。线上产 品内容包括入园前心理准备和入园后好 习惯养成、入学关键能力训练、科学小 实验、绘本推荐等,获得近千家园所的 转发,触及近1万4000户家庭。 3月中旬,公司又重磅推出“儿童 入学成熟水平家庭训练营”线上课程, 帮助孩子“宅家学习”,同时也为经 销商和园所开拓盈利渠道,规避疫情 冲击。 直播进行经销商大会 业绩增长离不开渠道。自2018年冬季 起,北京大众成立运营中心,市场部、 销售部、培训部三部门通力合作,在渠 道开发和营销版图扩张上持续发力。至 今公司已成功签约150余个经销合作伙 伴,弥补大众幼教以往在渠道建设的不 足,市场拓展及销售业绩稳步增长。 Embracing the changes and challenges in China’s preschool education market 微利时代下幼儿园运营发展研讨会 133 popularnews - 17 

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