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Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.
  Dear POPULAR family members,
As we are writing this, Malaysia is in a state of lockdown, while it is the last day before similarly stringent restrictions come into effect in Singapore.
Though times like this may seem impossible to overcome, they are but another challenge in POPULAR’s 96 years in business. POPULAR, together with its frontline and backend staff and management, is waging this war together with other businesses in the world as pillars of the nation, side by side with the healthcare workers and country leaders.
POPULAR has always been evolving to stay abreast with the changing times since Mr Chou Sing Chu founded his first company in 1924. In this issue’s “Special Feature”, read all about POPULAR’s latest collaboration with the Singapore Management University, picking the brains of the younger generation to prepare for the future (p.4). Staying relevant also involves constantly reinventing ourselves to meet changing trends in consumer preferences. Join us as we take a look at the latest makeover of POP@Central, POPULAR’s flagship store at Bras Basah Complex in Singapore (p.9).
Transformation would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of every POPULAR staff. Hence, we are delighted to introduce “The POPULAR Heartbeat” competition for you to share your experience of working in POPULAR, in any format that you fancy. You can submit an essay, a photograph of you and your colleagues with an informative caption, or your original poem, illustration or drawing! Find out how to participate on p.19!
Kicking this new competition off, we are featuring three staff from Singapore sharing their experiences working in POPULAR, starting from p.20. We hope that they will inspire you to get started on your own submission!
We sincerely hope that the global pandemic has turned the corner when this issue reaches you. Please take care of your health, and that of your loved ones too!
The Editorial Team 编辑室
One family, one vision. 大众一家,众人一心
— Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945)
— 温斯顿·丘吉尔,英国首相(1940-1945)
冠病疫情当前,下笔之际,马来西亚正全面实施行动管制 令,而新加坡也将于隔日推行更严格的管制措施。
这是一段煎熬的非常时期,但也仅是大众营运96年以来 面对的诸多挑战之一。无论是大众的前线或后勤人员还是管 理层,皆团结一致,与公司同舟共济;大众决意联合其他企 业,与国家领袖和医护人员并肩作战,全民防疫。
自1924年周星衢先生创办大众书局以来,大众持续稳步 发展,与时俱进。本期“与众不同”栏目的首篇文章,重点 介绍大众与新加坡管理大学的最新合作计划,携手培育新一 代零售人才,为未来发展奠基(页4)。为继续引领时代潮 流,大众必须不断推陈出新,以迎合瞬息万变的消费趋势。 让我们走进设在新加坡市中心百胜楼内的大众旗舰店,一睹 它以崭新面貌再出发(页9)。
唯有全体同仁竭诚付出,大众始能转型与时并进。为 此,我们特别推出“众心齐动”征稿比赛,诚邀每位“大 众人”分享在大众任职的宝贵经验。参赛作品形式不拘, 既可呈交短文、或一帧您与同事在职场的合照(附简要图 说),也可以是一首原创诗歌、画作!欲知比赛详情,请参 阅页19!三位新加坡大众同仁为这次比赛掀开序幕,从页20 起,分享各自与众不同的职场经历,希望他们的故事能激发 您踊跃投寄作品!
祈望本期《大众资讯》付梓时,全球疫情已消退。请 大家务必保重,注意防护,与珍爱的亲友齐心聚力,共渡 难关!
  Head office: POPULAR HOLDINGS LIMITED, 15 Serangoon North Avenue 5, Singapore 554360. Homepage:

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