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 organised and managed by the students, include exploring joint research projects
新大—大众零售实验室身兼“二 职”,既是零售理念实验基地, 也是面向学生的校园零售平台。在这个
由新加坡管理大学(“新大”)和大众 联手打造的零售概念实验平台,新大学 生得以汲取第一手的实践经验。作为新 大学生社区的一部分,实验室致力培养 有意加入零售管理行业的新大学生。
大众书局以提供一站式零售服务著 称,商品一应俱全、学习资源多元,满 足莘莘学子的需求。大众素来倡导终身 学习,然而零售企业难免孤掌难鸣,因 此我们决定突破传统模式,与亚洲首屈 一指的大学—— 新加坡管理大学搭建合 作桥梁,两强联手,互惠双赢。
新大是新加坡第三所国立大学,坐落于 市中心,教研实力蜚声国际。大众果断 迈步,进驻市区校园,与这所知名学府 探讨长远的合作计划。自2017年10月 起,大众即与新大卓越零售中心(新加 坡首个零售知识共享站)合作,结合其 他国内外知名品牌,共享零售资源,开 拓崭新零售概念。大众与该中心携手筹 划,在新大校园创设“新大—大众零售 实验室”,为新大师生提供零售研究平
giving them an opportunity to showcase and sharpen their management skills.
There was no shortage of opportunities for the students to flaunt their talents on stage on SMU Patron’s Day 2020. Even celebrities who are alumni of SMU, such as the popular local TV host Pornsak, made an appearance on the day. POPULAR did not miss out on the action too. Popular Singapore’s Lim Lai Sim (General Manager (Urban Write & Roadshow)) and Teo Xue Qi (Wendy) (Manager, Tertiary) led POPULAR’s participation by putting together a string of irresistible deals specially for the SMU community at their Patron’s Day booth, which included special promotions for gadgets that were essential for tertiary education. Staying true to our commitment to support lifelong learning, POPULAR also announced a donation of $5,000 to the SMU Bursaries.
A Cradle for Future Milestones
With the SMU-POPULAR Retail Research Laboratory serving as an important pilot project to finetune a business model that will thrive in the tertiary education institutions, other plans in the pipeline
with both the students and the faculty to define new avenues for driving store traffic. Contributing to retail case studies for academic discussions is also part of the agenda to further enrich classroom discussions with examples of decision making and execution in real life. All these initiatives are an exemplar of the synergistic interactions between POPULAR, the retail leader and the knowledge powerhouse, and SMU to form the foundation of an innovative ecosystem. Developing this ecosystem will enable POPULAR to keep up with new technologies and evolving consumer needs, ensuring its continued success in providing our customers with the best service into the future.
Looking ahead, POPULAR is committed to our efforts to further contribute to the development of future generations of leaders and talents. To arm these prospects with relevant skills, POPULAR strives to stay updated in the fast-paced and versatile retail scene. Future efforts will hence be driven by two main qualities: the value POPULAR places in its people, staff and customer alike; and the desire to better ourselves and continue to grow with the people for generations to come.
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